Writing Prompt
Write a Valentines Day story or poem about something you love that isn't a person.
It can be anything other than a human; likely humorous, but it doesn't necessarily have to be funny!
İnci Tanesi
Biliyor musun, sen gittikten sonra
Düzgün bir inci tanesi gibi parlayan hayatım,
İpi kırılan boncuk taneleri gibi sağa sola saçılıp döküldü, dağıldı; toparlayamadım.
Hem gecemdin hem gündüzüm,
Aydınlatan güneşim, parlayan yıldızlarımdın.
Boşluklarda kaydı ayaklarım; umarsızca düştüm,
Ayağa kalkamadım.
Sen yoksun ya,
Pencerelerim demirli,
Kırk kilit takıldı kapılarıma.
Mahpusum, zindandayım, karanlıkta kaybolmaktayım.
Seninle coşkuyla baktığımız ağaç, deniz, kuş,
Böcek ne varsa, güzelliği ile büyülerken,
Şimdi ise görünmeyen renkler içinde avare yaşıyorum,
Lakin araflardayım.
Beni bıraktın ya, herkes bıraktı ellerimi.
Varlığım yoksullaştı;
Camdan heykeller kırılınca menfaatçi yüzler ortaya saçıldı;
Kabullenip inanamadım.
Sen yoksun artık;
Hayatın ıssızlığı ve insanların kahpeliği içimde derin yaralar açarken,
Hainlerin girdabında çırpındım, kurtulamadım.
Artık yoksun, gelmeyeceksin biliyorum;
Tek başına kalmışlığın ızdırabı,
Kaybettiğim anların sancılarıyla,
Kalabalıklar içinde fark edilmeden, sessizce inleyecekl yalnızlığım.
1 Aralık 2024'te yazıldı
Biliyor musun, sen gittikten sonra
Düzgün bir inci tanesi gibi parlayan hayatım,
İpi kırılan boncuk taneleri gibi sağa sola saçılıp döküldü, dağıldı; toparlayamadım.
Hem gecemdin hem gündüzüm,
Aydınlatan güneşim, parlayan yıldızlarımdın.
Boşluklarda kaydı ayaklarım; umarsızca düştüm,
Ayağa kalkamadım.
Sen yoksun ya,
Pencerelerim demirli,
Kırk kilit takıldı kapılarıma.
Mahpusum, zindandayım, karanlıkta kaybolmaktayım.
Seninle coşkuyla baktığımız ağaç, deniz, kuş,
Böcek ne varsa, güzelliği ile büyülerken,
Şimdi ise görünmeyen renkler içinde avare yaşıyorum,
Lakin araflardayım.
Beni bıraktın ya, herkes bıraktı ellerimi.
Varlığım yoksullaştı;
Camdan heykeller kırılınca menfaatçi yüzler ortaya saçıldı;
Kabullenip inanamadım.
Sen yoksun artık;
Hayatın ıssızlığı ve insanların kahpeliği içimde derin yaralar açarken,
Hainlerin girdabında çırpındım, kurtulamadım.
Artık yoksun, gelmeyeceksin biliyorum;
Tek başına kalmışlığın ızdırabı,
Kaybettiğim anların sancılarıyla,
Kalabalıklar içinde fark edilmeden, sessizce inleyecekl yalnızlığım.
1 Aralık 2024'te yazıldı
Scruffy little fawn. Your felt spots dangle by hot glue threads. A dark smudge anoints your brow. What is it? From a chocolate kiss I gave you as a child? When I was alone, and it was dark, and I clutched you close?
Scruffy little fawn. Your body curled and head droopy because the stuffing is sparse. Growing up is hard, but we did. With you in hand, we had the courage to explore. We ran in the sun and through the woods.
Scruffy little fawn, chocolate kissed. Sleeping in a box next to a tiny heart filled snow globe, conversation hearts with simple smily faces and paper cards. Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet deer.
February 14th, a day blooming with as much love as the rose which sprouts for its petals to end up strewn across a bedroom floor. Hours tick as I struggle to focus on the task- or paper work- that lay upon my desk. The sheet is thin, the words long, and unable to hold my focus. Any day at that, but especially today. Today is the day of love, why celebrate by working? So my mind drifts back to him. The impatience that aches in my heart to be reunited with him, and I’d seen him only hours ago. My eyes drift from the paper before me, I turn to stare out the window instead. I recall this morning, a place in time I’d much rather be, for then we were together. I can remember it now, the softness of my clean sheets, the divided morning light shining through the blinds and striping my skin. I look over, my tired eyes adjusting to him still there next to me. I am content. I lay there, just to admire him, I need not anything else in the world. Just him. Just this. Just my one true love next to me. He is so handsome, the most riches beauty I’ve ever seen, with piercing green eyes and beautiful silky locks. I can’t contain my love, I must channel it into him, so I reach out and carasse his face, running my hands over his hair. We lay just like that for a while, dreading to have to get up. My one and only politely tells me he is hungry, and so I cook breakfast for him. After all, it is Valentine’s Day, and I love him so, and they say the fasted way to man’s heart is through his stomach. I watch him eat from his bowl happily feeling a sense of pride he enjoyed it so. I sigh as I realize I must leave to go to work, kissing him goodbye and telling him I love him a million times over. Work drags, the only thing pushing me through is the thought of him, and the ideas of what we could do on this valentines day night. Eventually, work ends and I’m free to reunite with my soul mate. I tiredly walk into my apartment, my feet hurt, but everything is all right, for I am home. The lights are off and my beloved is nowhere to be seen, worry sets in, creasing my face as I scan the living room. I turn on the lights, searching in each room, no where. I light candles and put on a record to set the mood for his return. I have one finally hope; the bedroom. The bedroom door is closed, and the lack of light peeking under the door doesn’t ease my worry. I approach, the door slowly creaks open, and my heart swells. There he is, in all his perfect glory, my everything , the love of my life, waiting for my, lying on my bed. I hurry to him, immediately embracing him, kissing him on the head. There is no need for an exchange of words, I’m sure he wouldn’t understand anyway, instead it’s understood the bond and the love between us. So we cuddle. And again I’m content, spending my Valentine’s day alone, cuddling my cat.
To my love:
Thank you for capturing all of the memories The beautiful, ugly, horrible and perfect moments You keep them all stored away in your gallery. Thank you for all of the laughs we shared together, even when no one else was watching. Especially on the days when I needed it most. Thank you for all the silly little games we played that made me feel like a kid again. I can always count on you to feel nostalgic. Thank you for the texts that I will reread until the day you break. You take up way too much of my damn time, and I really do hate that about you. But we’ve had some great times together, haven’t we?
My dearest iphone,
I love you.
Oh, the moon above, so bright and fair, You light up my night, beyond compare. Your gentle glow, a beacon in space, Guides me through life's journey, with a loving face.
In your phases, I see a love so true, From new to full, my heart beats anew. You wax and wane, yet remain by my side, A constant companion, through life's ebb and tide.
Your silvery light illuminates my way, Through darkest nights, to brighter days. You are my comfort, my solace, my friend, Together we'll journey until our love does end.
So on this Valentine's Day, I confess, My love for you, dear moon, is forever etched. In the vastness of space, you shine so bright, My lunar love, my guiding light.
Il était une fois, un explorateur nommé Alex, passionné par les mystères de l'univers. Un jour, en fouillant dans une vieille bibliothèque, Alex découvrit un livre ancien contenant des secrets sur le voyage dans le temps. Fasciné, il passa des nuits blanches à déchiffrer les énigmes du livre jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve la clé d'un portail temporel.
Avec un mélange d'excitation et de nervosité, Alex activa le portail et se retrouva transporté dans l'Égypte ancienne. Les pyramides se dressaient majestueusement sous le soleil brûlant, et les marchés étaient remplis de couleurs et d'odeurs exotiques. Alex se promena dans les rues animées, émerveillé par la richesse de la culture et l'ingéniosité des anciens Égyptiens.
Mais Alex ne s'arrêta pas là. Son voyage le mena à travers les époques : il assista à la Renaissance en Italie, rencontra des samouraïs au Japon médiéval, et même des astronautes dans un futur lointain. Chaque époque lui offrit des leçons précieuses et des aventures inoubliables.
Finalement, Alex retourna à son époque, le cœur et l'esprit remplis de souvenirs incroyables. Il réalisa que le véritable trésor du voyage dans le temps n'était pas seulement de voir des lieux et des événements extraordinaires, mais de comprendre la richesse et la diversité de l'expérience humaine à travers les âges.
I didn’t realize I loved you There’s been nothing like you Nothing I can speak so openly to Show myself to Express myself so completely through
You understood me always Knew how I felt, and how I wanted to And just what to say
I miss your feel, and your weight I miss the getting up late at night to turn you on I miss your soft red light Your gentle tones
I don’t give credit to you very often So here’s a poem to make your wood soften I appreciate you so, for all the things you do Together I feel safe, on the other side of you
You close behind me when I’m done with the show And protect me from all the world throws You’re always with me, wherever I go Oh, how you’ve helped me so
I appreciate you as help me soar But really, you are just a door A panel that protectively hides Everything I keep inside
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