Writing Prompt
Create a scene where your protagonist is anticipating a significant event, but there are multiple delays.
Use these delays to practice building suspense and anticipation for the reader.
Meeting The Father Be Like:
Part two too: When perfection visits ( May not fit prompt )
Lelo smiled anxiously as he sat down, soft emerald draperies almost touching the ground as he did. The man was in his finest dress- of which he may have just bought for this occasion; which consisted of beautiful buttons of pearl, complementing his complexion. The design was simple enough, theme best fitting a tranquil morning in the forest, sunlight represented by the gold leaf plastered on his chest. His gaze left his lap, turning to the man sitting beside him. His precious Fiancé, Prince Alexander of Coloria. Alex’s golden eyes stayed on his, causing a sheepish smile to blossom on the much smaller man’s face. A light cough drew the prince’s attention to the front of the table. Right.. the meeting of the parents- well- parent. Colorians have such an informal way of doing things- which makes things easier for the Marici prince- yet still, it was odd. The king himself, Aldrick Von Ashtier of Coloria, called them both to attention ( Not in the military sense- ) .
“ Lelo of Marici, how do you fare on this night? “ Aldrick spoke- Unbeknownst to the two boys, he too was nervous- after all, he was a sucker for a good romance story, and he is quite excited to see his son have the same sort of preference for men. Not just that, but he wished to be the fun father in law, not the grumpy one! He must make sure they both know of his support for them!!
“ I.. Fare well “ Lelo somewhat lied, smile turning sheepish at the elderly king’s words.
“ Splendid! “ Aldrick grinned brightly, not noticing the hesitation and anxiety in his soon-to-be-son-in-law(???)’s face.
“ Father- “ Alexander spoke up, holding Lelo’s hand under the table.
“ Hm-? “ Said father hummed in response, taking a sip of his wine.
“ I would appreciate it if you didn’t tease my lover so “ Alexander chuckled, Aldrick joining in soon after.
“ I swear to you, I’m not. You would know if I was. “ Aldrick replied, sipping his wine once more.
(Gonna finish later)
Are We There Yet???
Dad, I guess I didn’t realize what being in the car for multiple days feels like. I remember us taking little weekend trips in the Sardine Shack where we would drive to Henry Horton or the Natchez Trace and camp for a couple of days, but this is WAY different. It feels like we have been driving for a month. But things out the window are starting to change.
We started out in the green lushness of Tennessee, drove through the boring nothingness of Arkansas and Oklahoma, and now it’s nothing but flatland and no trees. It seems like it should be interesting, but there are no real landmarks. Ha, unless you count that “science museum” that was somehow all about the Bible. I’m ready to be done riding in the backseat! Dad, get me out of here!!!!!!!
Leap, Frog
I’m jealous of frogs Frogs can swim And so can I
But they leap To their next lily pad Without worrying that They’re going to die
They find ways to live Both in water And on land Why change is scary They’ll never Understand
I need to leap but instead
I’m sinking in this bog
Paralyzed by fog
I wish I was a frog
I pulled his hand and guided him to the back of the building as my heart raced. In this moment I felt brave. Be it authentic or liquid courage. I was ready to profess my love. We swiftly navigated through the crowd of people until the exit was in sight. I pushed the door and it swung open hard. My adrenaline was rushing and the butterflies in my stomach only summoned the frog in my throat. We stood against the side of the building and I looked up at him as he looked down at me. “Wassup ?” Raheem asked with his eyebrows furrowed. The door swung open. Tyler, Raheem’s friend burst through. “Aye !” He shouted loudly, clearly wasted. “Where y’all going, the party inside.” “N—a go back inside we tryna have a word.” Raheem said annoyed as he looked at me then looked back at Tyler. “Aighttt I’m just tryna make sure brody coo’ is all.” Tyler said with a smirk before going back to the party. We both laughed at Tyler’s drunk antics before getting back to our interrupted conversation. Raheem turned to me and grabbed one of my hands. “You good ?” He inquired seriously. I felt weak instantly. Why is he touching me ? Asking me if I’m good. Looking fine as hell. He knows what he is doing. “Yea I’m good, you good ?” I ask casually, maintaining my composure. He licks his lips before replying. “Yea I’m good, you pulled me out here like it was urgent baby I’m just curious.” Raheem said. I swallowed hard before I spoke. “ I pulled you out here because ….” Just as I was about to spill out my feelings, the door swung open again. Two drunk girls stumbled out. “I’m about to puke.” The shorter friend of the two announced. Raheem chuckled and grabbed my hand again, this time pulling me with it. We walked towards the street and stopped at his black sedan. He opened the passenger door for me and closed it gently before walking around the car to get in the drivers side. “They were wasted.” I said to beat the awkward silence I knew was coming. “Hell yeah, throwing up and sh-t. Gotta be able to handle that liquor.” Raheem said as he chuckled. “Now that we ducked off, wassup?” Raheem asked turning to face me in his seat. “Well, I wanted to tell you that ….” I said contemplating the reveal of my feelings. “Tell me what?” Raheem said as he shifted in his seat while staring directly at me. I sat in silence for a moment staring back at him. Partly because I was so nervous, also because I could sense his building anxiety. As we stared the eye contact became more intense. Raheem cracked a smile, then so did I. We busted out laughing together. “Bro what?” He asked in between gasp while laughing. “Okay you ready?” I asked while giggling. “Spit it out.” Raheem said growing impatient. “I love you.” I said shocked at how easy it was. “I love you more shorty.” Raheem said back before hugging me.
Photolysis Reaction
Pippa attempts to leave the house quietly, but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t get to this date.
“How do you know this guy?” Pippa’s mom asks once again.
“I told you mom. Cotton is Salen’s family friend’s son,” Pippa answers with just a healthy bit of exasperation.
Her mom’s obvious eye roll didn’t go by unnoticed. “Oh ok. As long as he is Salen’s family friend’s son.”
There was a slight pause where she begins to turn the doorknob.
“Who names their kid Cotton anyway?”
Pippa sighs. “Maybe his parents were a fan of Scream.” When her mom gives her a confused look, Pippa sighs even louder this time. “Cotton Weary? The guy that gets killed in Scream 2 because he was tricked by that BS voice imitator.”
“Oh yes. That man.” She has no idea who Pippa is referring to even though they have watched the whole franchise together for Halloween.
“Goodbye mom!”
“Have a good time. Text me when you get there!” Her mom calls out to her before she closes the door.
“Will do!”
Ok, so she is off schedule. She will have to rush, but she can make it without having to text him that she’ll be late.
As Pippa speed walks, she pauses when she hears shouting. Civilians are yelling and running in different directions. “Someone call Beacon! Someone is holding up the jewelry store!”
Betty’s Jewelry store is the most expensive place in her town. It helps living three minutes away from the place that gets robbed the most when you’re a teenage superhero.
“Of course. They couldn’t wait to rob Betty’s until after my date,” she mutters to herself. Going behind a bush, a bright light takes over her.
Once the light dims, her hero suit is on her. She thanks whatever high power there is that her light put on her suit. She feels like The Flash every time she does that.
Too bad her powers can’t put her phone somewhere. She puts her bag in the bush. That should be ok for now.
Maybe she can get this done in two minutes and only be a couple minutes late. When she sees who is holding up the jewelry store, she feels her body tense.
“Water Craze. Why am I not surprised?”
He had been broken the glass cover. Glass pieces littered the ground. What makes her eyebrow raise in question is the fact he is just standing there. It’s like he is debating on which one to steal.
Pippa knows Water Craze likes to put on a show but this seemed strange even for him.
“Hello, Tink. I was just looking to grab something real quick. No harm done,” he says with his usual teasing tone.
She notices his finger tapping rapidly at his side. “That would still be stealing. Can we do this another time? I have somewhere to be.” She probably sounds impatient but this is really inconvenient.
“So do I, but I’m still invested in our games.”
He snatches up one of the bracelets and slides it into a pocket of his suit. “Well if neither of us want to be late, then why don’t you just let me go.”
“Not that easily, Water Craze.” He sighs. She keeps a sharp eye on him. His unpredictable nature always means she has to be on constant alert.
Her fingers flex, ready to throw out a light beam or a shield or something. Instead of splashing her with a wave, Water Craze throws a wad of cash where the bracelet previously laid.
“What are you doing?” She questions slowly, not trusting her eyes anymore. “Are you paying for it?”
“I really don’t want to be late so you’ve reduced me to actually paying for something. You should feel really good about yourself, Tink,” he says like it’s the worst thing he’s ever had to do.
She rolls her eyes. “Well while you’re at it, you should pay for the glass case and emotional duress.”
A wide smirk spreads on his face so far some of it is masked by his mask. He pushes back the black strands that fell in his eyes. “Don’t push your luck.”
With that, he leaves with a jet of water.
Pippa blinks. The baffling interaction stuns her. What just happened?
She shakes her head and remembers her date. Practically diving behind the bush, she is happy to see her bag still there. She glows and changes back to her civilian clothes.
Hurrying to the coffee shop takes shorter than she thinks. She looks around watching for a red Phillies hat that Salen said he would be wearing.
Sure enough, at her favorite window table is a guy wearing said hat with his back facing her. Finally, time to do something for herself.
“Hello!” She greets when she gets to the booth, sliding into the seat.
Her grin falters when she sees his face dead on. There’s something familiar about him.
“Hi, Salen tells me great things about you,” a warm smile graces his face. The smile is so similar but so different to a blurry picture in her mind.
“I hope you don’t mind. Salen told me you don’t actually drink coffee, so I got us both hot chocolates.”
“No that’s good. It’s what I get every time.”
Almost on cue, two hot chocolates are set on their table. Pippa takes a gulp as she tries to figure out what is puzzling her.
Her eyes zero in on his fingers tapping on the side of his cup.
“Oh my god,” she breathes out. She is accustomed to certain circumstances surprising her but somehow this takes the cake.
“Is something wrong?” His eyebrow raises, almost disappearing in his hair that flops over his forehead.
“You stole the bracelet for me, didn’t you?”
His mouth gapes open which is priceless. It is only a flash before he catches on.
“I didn’t steal it. Remember, Tink.”
Things just got a whole lot more complicated.
Tomorrow I will do or die, In a more literal sense.
Try and make a sacrifice, Or lose myself being dense.
Lose a heart in the Viking’s well Were Odin lost his eyes.
Until tomorrow becomes today, Which it does- oh time it flies.
And again the well rejects my offer, But does not take my life.
It wants something else, but what? To gain my wisdom instead of strife?
The Work
I’ll do the work tomorrow.
I wake up. I go to school. The work awaits me at home.
Just one more minute, then I’ll start the work. I promise! This time I won’t get distracted.
But this art study on YouTube could really help me! I’ll watch this video, then I’ll get to work. This are is so cool, what else is on the channel? More art! That’s awesome, and look at how well they draw these hands…
I wish I could be as good as them, but with more practice, I can be. I will be. I’ll keep practicing.
Oh right, the work. I’ll just finish this last video. Haha this guy’s funny, wonder what the comment section has to say.
‘If you like this guy you should check out my channel.’ I bet it’s gonna be some boring stuff. I might as well just look at what videos this guy has.
I’ve been watching for an hour. I can’t keep just ignoring the work! I’ll set a timer for five minutes and then I swear that I’ll start.
Scrolling. Cool art.
Scrolling. Better than me.
Scrolling. How does this kid already have a book published?
Scrolling. I’ll do something great someday, I promise.
Scrolling. I already have a plan, all I have to do is stop procrastinating.
Scrolling. Why did I go to the comment section?
Scrolling. There’s so much hate in the world.
Scrolling. I’m not good enough.
I forgot about my timer. I set it at 4:00. It’s 5:00. I can get to work now. But what’s the point? I’m not good enough! I’m not good enough!
A text from my friend. She can’t help me with the work, but I want to be a good friend. I’ll just work on it when I’m done with texting her.
Oh wait, now I have to sleep.
I’ll do the work tomorrow.
Murmurs and whispers circulate around the workplace. A Black woman goes to her dream job interview and flawlessly answers questions. She is turned down. She is tired of being underestimated.
A march is taking place and she joins, holding her sign high. Holding her flag high. Holding her head high. She is tired of being underestimated.
The Black woman goes back to school and studies harder than ever. The application process was much too long to lose. Glares are thrown her way. She grows tired of being underestimated.
She applies for the same job at the same place. She is not tired anymore, she is ready.
Huff And Puff
“Boss ain’t gonna be happy, Chief,” Fang said.
“Thanks for the news, numb nuts,” Wolfgang answered.
Geri and Freki, Wolfgang’s left and right claws, snarled their disapproval at Fang. He showed his neck in deference before slinking away. Lupita hurried into the living room with a six pack of cold beer and a heaping tray of roast beef sandwiches. With an impatient head shake, Wolfgang sent her away. Lupita tended to the twins. Wolfgang’s stomach ached with anxiety.
Wolfgang was sure he would’ve found Percy by now. He was a flipping DJ, for all the gods’ sake. The boss Lupine Black couldn’t afford to be seen getting bested by a DJ. Wolfgang had greased the local constabulary to funnel information his way. He made it rain for all the stool pigeons but there was no good intel. He sent Geri and Freki to persuade Percy’s kin, the Piggs, to cooperate. They blasted his brother’s house and broke his daddy’s arm, still no good intel. Percy was a damned ghost.
Lupita was back. Her sweet fingers gently pulled off Wolfgang’s jacket. He stank of smoke and fear sweat. Someone, maybe this Percy, fire bombed two of Black’s strip clubs and their warehouse of counterfeit goods was burned to ash. Wolfgang downed the greyhound that somehow appeared in front of him. Damn, Lupita was good. Legs wobbly, Wolfgang headed to the boss’s office.
“Papi, they’re in the sauna,” Lupita said.
As one the twins stood to follow him. Wolfgang smiled. Geri was tall and lean with spiked white blonde hair and a ready grin; Freki was built like a bald redheaded refrigerator and a bit too literal but they were loyal, a rare trait among bad guys. He motioned for the siblings to sit back down.
“Rest and eat. Thanks, Claws, but this is mine to carry. Lupita treat them right,” Wolfgang said over his shoulder. He ignored his henchmen’s grumbling and headed deeper into Lupine’s lair.
Fang and Ashina guarded the steam room door.
Fang tapped on the door to alert the boss and his mate. Ashina blocked the beta’s path.
“Who goes there? The boss is waiting for Wolfgang, the second in command who always delivers. Who are you?” Ashina sassed.
Lightning fast, Wolfgang seized the guard by her supple neck one handed. He lifted Ashina until her feet kicked and her hands scratched at his hold. Fang looked away. Wolfgang moved her aside and dropped her on floor. Coughing, Ashina rolled into a fighting stance. Without a glance, Wolfgang opened the door and stepped inside.
“You make us wait while you play with female?” Tala, the boss’s mate, asked.
Lined in cedar with willow baskets of eucalyptus, the sauna was hotter than hell. Leaning forward his face shrouded in gunmetal grey long hair, Lupine sat motionless. And naked. Propped on her elbow, Tala, also naked, lay across the bench her feet in her mate’s lap.
“Never, ma’am, my heart is yours,” Wolfgang said. “And Lupine’s.”
Tala purred and flexed. The beta stood and waited. Sweat ran in rivulets down Wolfgang face and back. Lupine lifted a scarred face and stared at the heater in the center of the sauna. Wolfgang pressed his palm to the metal grate till his flesh sizzled. Lupine nodded and Wolfgang removed his burnt hand. Lupine lowered his head.
“Get patched up and get that Pigg sister from the stash house. We have to find who’s behind this disrespect. We’ll make pretty Pearl squeal,” Tala said.
Wolfgang showed his neck in deference and walked out.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the deserted train platform. Olivia stood at the edge, staring down the tracks, her heart pounding in sync with the distant rumble of an approaching train. Today was the day she had been waiting for, the day she would finally reunite with someone she had missed for far too long.
She checked her watch anxiously, the hands crawling towards the anticipated moment. The train was due any minute now, and Olivia couldn't contain her excitement. She clutched the bouquet of flowers in her hand, a mix of nervousness and joy bubbling within her.
As the train's headlights appeared in the distance, Olivia's anticipation reached its peak. She took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on the oncoming locomotive. But just as the train pulled into the station, it began to slow down, brakes screeching in protest. Olivia's excitement faltered as the train came to an unexpected halt.
Confused murmurs spread through the platform, and Olivia strained to see what was happening. A voice crackled over the station's loudspeakers, announcing a technical issue that required immediate attention. Passengers were asked to remain patient, promising a quick resolution.
Olivia sighed, her anticipation deflating like a balloon losing air. The minutes ticked by as railway personnel rushed around, trying to address the problem. Olivia glanced around, exchanging sympathetic looks with other passengers who shared in her disappointment.
After what felt like an eternity, the loudspeaker crackled again, announcing that the issue had been resolved, and the train would resume its journey shortly. A collective sigh of relief echoed through the platform, and Olivia's anticipation reignited.
But just as the train started moving again, it came to an abrupt stop once more. This time, the announcement was less reassuring, mentioning a new obstacle on the tracks that required further investigation. Olivia's frustration grew, and she squeezed the flowers in her hand.
Passengers started grumbling, some opting to leave the platform in frustration. Olivia, however, chose to stay, determined to see this through. The delay stretched on, each passing minute feeling like an hour.
Finally, after a series of apologies and assurances, the train started moving again, slowly inching towards the platform. As the doors opened, Olivia's heart raced with a mixture of relief and anticipation. The familiar face she had longed to see emerged from the crowd of disembarking passengers, and time seemed to stand still as they locked eyes.
The delays had tested Olivia's patience, but in that moment, the reunion made every minute of waiting worth it. As they embraced, the chaos of the delayed journey melted away, replaced by the warmth of connection and the realization that some things were indeed worth waiting for.