Writing Prompt


You are a beloved cat who has witnessed a hideous crime against your owner. How will you get revenge?

Be creative with this prompt - this person means a lot to your character. Describe their emotions, and what they are able to do about it!



Once upon a time in a cozy little cottage, there lived a beloved cat named Whiskers. Whiskers had always been adored by their owner, Sarah, who showered them with love and care. They had spent countless hours together, sharing laughter, warmth, and the deepest bond imaginable.

One fateful evening, tragedy struck. Sarah, Whiskers’ dear owner, was tragically taken from this world. The news reached Whiskers’ ears, leaving them overwhelmed with grief and sadness. Their heart shattered into a million pieces, and a relentless fury began to ignite within.

Whiskers, driven by an insatiable desire for justice and revenge, embarked on a journey like no other. They roamed the streets, their eyes filled with determination, searching for the one responsible for Sarah’s untimely demise. Whiskers vowed to avenge their owner’s death, no matter the cost.

Through the cold nights and stormy days, Whiskers faced countless obstacles and encountered various characters along the way. A wise old alley cat named Oliver became their steadfast companion, guiding Whiskers through the treacherous path they had chosen.

As Whiskers ventured deeper into their quest, their senses became razor-sharp. They listened to whispers in the shadows, keeping a watchful eye on every suspicious movement. Their claws sharpened, their feline instincts honed, and their heart fueled by love turned anger.

Finally, the fateful day arrived when Whiskers discovered the truth. The one responsible for Sarah’s death was none other than a heartless criminal, consumed by darkness and greed. With eyes burning like fiery embers, Whiskers confronted the vile creature.

In that climactic moment, Whiskers unleashed their wrath, pouncing upon the evildoer with a strength and ferocity no one could have anticipated. Each swipe of their claws echoed the pain and loss they had endured. It was a battle of emotions and justice, fought with unparalleled determination.

As Whiskers emerged victorious, their heart was still heavy with grief. Revenge had brought temporary solace, but it could never fill the void left by Sarah’s absence. Whiskers realized that true healing came from within and from the loving memories they cherished.

With their mission complete, Whiskers returned to the cottage where they and Sarah had shared countless happy moments. In the quiet corners and familiar scents, they found solace and a sense of closure. Whiskers knew that their owner’s spirit would forever live on in their heart, guiding them as they continued their journey through life.

And so, Whiskers, the once-revenge-driven cat, transformed into a symbol of resilience and love. They became a beacon of hope for those who had suffered loss, reminding them that healing and strength could be found in the unbreakable bonds we forge with others.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into years, Whiskers continued to explore the world, bringing comfort and companionship to those in need. In their actions, they embodied the essence of their beloved owner, Sarah, whose spirit shone brightly through the soul of a courageous cat.

And in the realm of the eternal, Sarah smiled down upon Whiskers, knowing that her precious feline companion had embraced the beauty of life and love, turning tragedy into a legacy of hope.

Fluffy The White Cat

We were once two best friends one a human and the other their cat named Fluffy, fluffy was a white fluffy cat, and their owner Rosalyn was the nicest owner fluffy I’ve ever had and we would do everything together we would take walks together, play together, eat together, we’ve even go shopping together but one day that day took a turn for the worst we were supposed to be writing Rosalyn's new book but while we were in the middle of it writing the ending we heard a loud crash through the back door window when we heard it we quickly hide in her bedroom, behind her dresser but he found her and what he did to her was just horrific and gruesome he didn’t even care about how loud screams and much pleading she did he didn’t care. Her death broke me and there was a load of blood and nobody even noticed she was gone until a week later and they didn’t find the evil man who did it or why he did it but I was going to make sure that what he did to my owner would be ten times worse but right now I got to get out of the animal shelter they put me in but then I saw him the man, the man who hurt my owner, Rosalyn, who hurt me. Why is he here? why did he hurt her? Why’d he hurt me? There were so many questions racing in my head yet I knew I had to get answers for because I will avenge my owner even if it was the last I would ever do first I had to get close to him so I could have explanations and avenge my owner and so it began the following weeks I’ve been slowly observing and getting close to the murderer who killed my Rosalyn, his name was David, he was a volunteer at the animal shelter, he was a bodybuilder who explains how he was picked up the sledgehammer that killed Rosalyn, he was kind to me and cared for me? I found out that he was dating Rosalyn at the time she was killed and he looks heartbroken and miserable so l don’t understand why he would do it to her. Then suddenly I heard a rattling of my cage? “Here you go she’s all yours congrats.” Someone was adopting me! “Thank you I’ve always wanted to adopt a cat especially this one since it used to be my deceased girlfriend,” David said almost tearing up. It was David who was adopting me, I couldn't believe him! First, he kills Rosalyn, my owner, his girlfriend, then he decides to adopt his dead girlfriend's cat? He is just ridiculous and weird, at that moment my cage raised I kept meowing and hissing for them not to leave me with that psycho murderer but they didn't understand at the same time If I could get alone with him I could do what he did Rosalyn but twenty times worse, then we arrived at his home and it looked pretty then we arrived at his room inside a secret door behind the bookcase and I-it was plastered with pictures of my best friend Rosalyn and I mean everywhere you’d looked there was a picture of Rosalyn, one of the picture said “you will be mine Rosalyn!” In dark red lipstick t-that was Rosalyn favorite lipstick looking at it just made tear up, “it was the only way you always be mine Rosalyn, forever… even If it meant killing you.” David said in a serious tone, then he looked at me “I’ll name you Rosalyn.” suddenly i remembered, before she was brutally killed, she was on the phone with a man… it was David he was yelling at her and Rosalyn was sobbing and yelling when she said she wanted to break up with him, and it clicked David was obsessed with Rosalyn and when she wanted to break things off with him he would’ve done anything to keep even if it meant killing her.. it made me furious to think that he would kill the person he loved and I loved suddenly all I could see was red I jumped his face hissing at him and clawing his face furiously even his skin was was tearing “GET OFF ME YOU MANGY CAT!” David shouts angrily as he throw me across the room and then I get a glimpse of his face he looked like a monster his there were red lines on his face where his skin was supposed to be and blood started pour from his eye sockets as I sit there In shook of what I just did, he picks up his the sledgehammer he killed Rosalyn with and suddenly my adrenaline kicked in again started to climb his back and claw my way to his ears biting them off then suddenly he grabbed me and threw me across his room with all his strength, even though blood surrounded most of his face I could see the rage in his eyes the same rage when he killed Rosalyn, but as he raises up his sledgehammer I see a smile on his face. I see this and quickly spotted the tiny dagger next to me I pick it up with my mouth and race to to his stomach stabbing him multiple time making sure he was dead and in the end I got revenge for Rosalyn, I look at myself In the mirror where blood covered most of my white fluffy fur.


A red hot feeling coursed through my veins. Like a molten gold that never hardens a constant flow of lava going up and down my body, electrifying my skin, raising my hair on my back and haunches. Keeping me going. Focused, angry, but singular in my purpose. I will kill this man beast. Rip out his throat. Feel his marrow run down my jaw. It had been over a decade since I’d felt the sweet sensation. It was one of my mothers rules. But my mother was dead. Her head smashed in pieces in a way no animal would. Everything left to rot. No rhyme or reason save cruelty or greed. Of course I don’t mean my birth mother I never knew her but came to understand. The poachers my mom had saved me from had killed her as well. Even still she had taught me from the tiniest of cubs never to hurt anything especially anything smaller than me. Out of love and a grudging respect. I had always obeyed. But now my mother was dead. Her head in pieces on the floor. Not eaten, nor mauled, just left to rot in our now bloody cave. My instincts were heightened to a scissor point. I couldn’t remember having ever felt this way before. Not really. But a long forgotten nostalgia and heat seems to come from somewhere. Rage. My mother had spent many a night with me cuddled on her lap. Teaching me to curb this emotion. Be a part of the family. Not lock me away. But I knew it was her man beast. I could smell him from the inside. And I knew he hadn’t realized the consequences of my mother being dead. If he had, she would most definitely still be alive. Has he really never heard the human phrase that my mother had vehemently hated “A tiger can’t change his stripes “.
I feel a twinge of guilt as I know I am about to prove her long held beliefs and her life’s work wrong. I am momentarily swept away by sadness. What will I do now. Mother had been my everything. She had taken care of me for as long as I could remember. I am suddenly jealous of the human’s ability to cry. I had once thought it a weakness, depriving them of the poker face needed when facing an enemy. But now I saw it as way to get these horrific and completely foreign feelings out of the body. And I begged the god that mother prayed to that I may be given the gift of tears just this once. Of course I received no answer. And that only made my veins hotter. My thoughts more poison and singular as they had been. I no longer cared what happened to me. Without mother I was alone anyway. I arched my back let out a screech of fury and for the first time left my mothers broken side. There was only one thing I could do for her now. And I planned to execute it to a tee. To hell with what the consequences would be. I would do this one thing for my mother. For all she had given me. Life, love, happiness, what more could any being ask for. I would avenge her. If it was the last thing I did. I would find the man beast that took her from me and make him regret ever laying eyes on her. CHANNEL SIX NEWS REPORT Today an awful scene unfolded in a quiet rural bungalow. Famous Animal rights activist Mary White and her live in partner Ronnie James were seemingly attacked unprovoked by a tiger Ms. White had rescued from poachers as a baby and had raised on her own since that time ,over twelve years ago. This appears to be the first and only time that Stripes (the name she had given to the cub) has shown any sign of aggression violence or even distress. In fact neighbors say he acted more like a dog or a house cat. Following Mary around, doing whatever she asked, happily and without hesitation. No one had EVER heard of Stripes acting out in any way. She had often brought the tiger with her to elementary schools etc. to promote the protection of animals and their habitats. Unfortunately, Mr. James was the only one to survive the attack as Ms.White was pronounced dead on arrival. After surviving only superficial wounds he was in surprisingly high spirits. “I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t had the gun on me. Lord knows I didn’t have any reason to. Someone must have been looking out for me today. I just wish I would have been a split second quicker and been able to save Mary. But I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t relieved that that monster she called a pet is dead. And will never hurt another person. That’s the thing about wild animals. You never know when they’re gonna snap”.
There you have it. Straight from the lips of the only survivor Ronnie James in his bed at Memorial Hospital. This attack seems to have started anew the debate about keeping wild animals as pets and how it pertains to the law…

Not My Owner!

My owner has taken care of me since I was a little kitten. He’s my favorite human in the entire world. I never want to be apart from him and he even started working from home recently!

I was sitting on his lap like any other day as he was sitting at his computer, but then his boyfriend, who I’ve never even liked, decided to start shouting at him out of nowhere. I could feel the tension in the air and I looked up at my owners face. He looked frightened and he held me even closer.

After my owner didn’t give his boyfriend a response, his boyfriend punched him and tugged on his hair! I felt my anger immediately spike up and I wanted a fight. I slipped out of my owner’s arms and started hissing and growling at his boyfriend. His boyfriend decided to ignore me and grab the collar of my owner’s shirt, and I showed him why that was a very bad idea.

I clawed at his arm and bit him as hard as I could. He started screaming and trying to pull me off of him. I refused to let go, though. No one messes with MY owner and gets away with it. As much as his hollering hurts my ears, I didn’t care.

I kept growling and clung onto his arm with my nails and teeth digging in his skin. Eventually he managed to pull me off of him and I chased him out the door when he decided to run … at least I tried to, the jerk managed to close the door before I could get outside. I wasn’t done with him, so I kept trying to scratch on the door to get to him again and I couldn’t stop hissing and growling. My owner slowly and gently walked up behind me and started petting me gently.

“It’s okay girl, you scared him away.” He said in a soothing voice. I looked back at him and while there was a visible bruise on his cheek, he was smiling. I walked to him and head-butted his ankle, feeling calmer myself. He sighed and shook his head, “I need to break up with him. I can’t do this anymore.” My ears perked up and I stared up at him. “Don’t worry, you protected me and you won’t have to see that awful man anymore.” He bent down and started scratching between my ears and I couldn’t help but start purring. All in a good days work!

Meowing The Lawn

If I ever see that asshole Rick in my house again, these claws are coming out and not just for play. He pushed Lea, can you believe? He pushed MY Lea in front of me, then had the audacity to pick my bowls and throw them at her. I will not stand it. I will not risk that happening again. No one will ever hurt Lea, especially Rick. I will find him and meow the lawn with him (that’s what Lea likes to say I do when I get sassy, but she’d seen nothing yet).

I licked myself clean and made sure its time my exit with my nap, so not to worry Lea. I’ve been to Ricks before, when things between him and Lea were still “good”, shit hole of a place. I see Barbara, our neighbor that absolutely adores me, waiting for the bus. This is my chance, I come strutting my best strut and rub my body against her shin, she shrieks with joy. How easy. I’ll make her take me on the bus with her, it’ll take some convincing but I know how to manipulate sweet old Barbs.

I am a 12 minute walk from Rick’s house now, I can feel the taste of sweet revenge already. I knew he was dumb, all the windows are open and he’s not home, thank you for easy access Rick. Time to get to business. I enter the premises, what a fucking mess, Lea how could you ever be attracted to this guy? With all this garbage lying around he might not even notice my outside of litter business. First thing I piss on his pillow and shit under his blanket. I then piss on his couch and all the carpets, I came prepared by inhaling the contents of my water bowl. Time for another shit, what will it be? I choose his kitchen counter. His guitar looks like something pleasant to scratch, here we go. Moving on to his leather shoes, smell expensive yet ruined by his athlete’s foot, either way I scratch the shit out of it. I see a watch and some documents or identification laying on the coffee table by his couch, I’ll take that. I feel accomplished, might come back to repeat, but for now I want to nap on Lea. Bye loser house. I hop out the window, after I threw the watch and the documents out first, I dump the watch into the neighbors trash can, but the documents I take with me, I need to show Lea that I have protected her from this moron. I walk to the bus stop and make a new friend that lets me ride with him to my stop. I come home, Lea is curled up on the couch crying, not on my watch. I hop on her with the documents still in my mouth and drop them on her chest. She looks confused and sits up to take a better look, her eyes grow large, I’ve never seen that before. “Snowball!! Where did you get this? What the hell??” She says it clearly not waiting for a reply and not suspecting that I did what I did. Is she mad, is she grateful or is she scared whats going to happen next? I will protect her either way.


It was love at first sight between Miss. Carmen and myself ( Muffins). Prior to adopting me, Miss. Carmen would spend countless hours at our animal shelter. Gracie, Olive and I, we emphatically knew her schedule. She came in at least one to two times a week. Miss. Carmen appeared lonely but content. She would just stroll up and down the Isles of the shelter. It was like she was “window shopping,” taking her sweet time as she concentrated on picking out that ever so special gift.

Miss. Carmen visited our shelter on such a regular bases, that one day the manager Mr. Alexander, even offered her a job! Unfortunately, Miss. Carmen is unable to work, due to being on disability. She suffers from multiple ailments, such as migraines and chronic back pain. She relies heavily on her painkillers, in order to maintain a reasonable quality of life.

Miss. Carmen also recently received an approval letter from her doctor. The letter informed her that due to her illnesses, she would greatly benefit from an “emotional support cat.” And thankfully, that’s how “little old me” “Muffins,” entered into the picture.

It’s been two years since the adoption became final! Miss. Carmen took me into my new home! No doubt, that was the happiest day of my life!

My other feline friends, were definitely in major competition with me! I just knew Miss. Carmen would be choosing either “Gracie or “Olive” because each of those girls knew how to turn on the charm! We each realized, that Miss. Carmen came in search of the perfect kitty. And whichever one of us she chose, she wouldn’t have any regrets. I must admit I ( Muffins ), am a really “good girl” and constantly dreamed of my “forever home.” I envisioned myself, being an impeccable candidate.

I remembered being completely aware of Miss. Carmen during her shelter visits. She always appeared laser focused, but oblivious to me. No, she never really noticed my existence. Until one day, she accidentally dropped her silky purple scarf, out of her purse. Her scarf just so happened to land in front of my crate.
Miss. Carmen gingerly stooped down to retrieve her scarf. Due to her “bad back”she remained in that position for a few seconds, before rising. As she slowly stood up, that’s when our eyes met and honed in on each other.

Miss. Carmine’s ocean blue eyes were fixated on me. It seemed as if she was in a trance, and just discovered something, that she missed in her life.

“That’s the one!, That’s the one! Can I please hold this sweet kitty?” She cheerfully asked the shelter assistant. When she held me, I cuddled up into her arms, flashed my emerald green eyes, and gave Miss. Carmen my longest, warmest cat purrrrr ever! That’s all it took! I was hers… And, she was mine now! As she caressed and rubbed my calico coat with such adoration, she affectionately exclaimed, “You’re going home with me today cutie! You’re My Sweet Muffins!, You’re just what the doctor ordered!” Excitement and Joy filled my heart!

Thankfully, it all worked out the way it did, because I had already reached my allotted amount of days for the shelter. I and so many other of my feline friends, were living on borrowed time. Our names were on the list, to visit the “dark room,” as we felines like to call it.
My Miss. Carmen changed all that! She rescued me from the “dark room!” And, because she rescued me, I promised myself to always love, cherish and protect her! I would be the best feline companion ever!

Miss. Carmen and I lived alone in her lavishly, decorated condominium. I absolutely loved my new home! As I throughly enjoyed sun bathing in my picturesque living room window! I loved all of my beautiful cat beds throughout the condo, loved my softly woven cat hammocks, adored my multicolored cat stands, and am amazed at the countless toys of all shapes and sizes that were now all mine! Although, I truly missed Gracie and Olive my life had torpedoed to the top of the mountain! And, Miss. Carmen deserved all the credit for making this happen and rescuing me!

In addition to being Miss. Carmen’s support cat
I gladly embraced the opportunity of also being her friend, her fur baby, her confidant and her protector. “Whew!” I acquired a plethora of roles, but I could handle them all.

The only thing I could not handle, would have to be… the mistreatment of Miss. Carmen.

Just recently Miss. Carmen sobbed, tears flowed onto my soft fur, as she embraced me on her lap. She confided in me and informed me that some of her medication had been stolen. Stolen! I thought, UGH! How Awful!

I cuddled in her lap, attempting to calm her, as she rubbed my calico coat ever so gently, and the tears were streaming down her face. “ Muffins I’m in an enormous amount of pain! can you believe someone would tamper with, and take my much needed pain medication?” She cried.

Someone had the audacity to come into our lovely home, disrupt our peace and just blatantly steal! They totally disregarded the needs of Miss. Carmen.
We loved to entertain. But our circle of friends and family consisted of a very small group.

Recently I was dumbfounded as I sunbathed in our bay bathroom window. I couldn’t help but ponder as to why someone would take advantage of her like that! Who would have the heart to steal her much needed medication from her? Miss. Carmen, such a lovely lady just did not deserve to be treated like this!

It happened to be two days later… after being in deep thought and asking myself who would do something so awful? I received my answer …

For the last two weeks Miss. Carmen had various carpenters, painters, plumbers in and out of our condo, due to being in the process, of having renovation work completed. So there were several workers coming and going all day long, working.

On this particular day, while minding my own business , sunbathing and relaxing in my cat hammock in our master bedroom. I observe something that appeared very suspicious to me.

“Why is that painter opening and looking in Miss Carmen’s dresser drawers and night stands?” I inquisitively asked myself. Being very discreet, I continued watching as the naughty man not only peeked into her personal space, I also witnessed him retrieving things, such as Miss. Carmen’s bottles of painkillers pain patches and sleeping pills! All of the items, were off limits and that man, he totally should not have been retrieving Miss. Carmen personal medication and stuffing them into his pockets!

As I continued to relax on my cat hammock, I became immersed in the malicious behavior of this now criminal. This scandalous thief, was clueless, his hideous crime, being committed against Miss. Carmen was being witnessed.

After his sinister act, the deplorable man gathered up all of his supplies, and prepared to leave. While saying his goodbyes to Miss. Carmen, I knew there was no time to waste. My plan must be carried out, hastily.

I began rubbing and climbing up and against the man’s leg. “Awww such a nice kitty” he muttered as he attempted to shake me off his leg. I then began hissing violently! Afterwards I took my claws and began scratching his hands as he tried to remove me from his legs.

“Muffins, play nice! don’t scratch the nice man” Miss. Carmen insisted.

But I did not listen, I preceded to pounce on him with vengeance!
I continued to climb, claw, scratch, screech and hiss loudly. The thief began jumping, hoping and bolting for the front door. He accidentally tripped, and became entangled in some electrical wires that were on the floor. He fell and tumbled awkwardly. And much to our surprise, the multiple bottles of pain medication , sleeping pills, spilled out of his pockets and landed on the floor in front of Miss.Carmen’s feet!

Miss. Carmen in a bit of shock, began sobbing uncontrollably. “ Oh My Goodness! My Medications!” She screamed.

She then reached down, lifted me up, and nuzzled me close to her chest. She smiled affectionately down at me, and proudly said, “My Muffins, I love you! and thank you!”

The Intruder

I’ll never forget the day that I awoke from a nap and heard the choking sobs of my favorite assistant, Emily, in the other room. This isn’t a feel good story. This is a story of my greatest failure. My failure to protect the most important person in my life. I jumped up and ran as fast as my four legs would carry me. When I rounded the doorway I saw the Intruder knelt down in front my Emily, hands extended out towards her. I had no doubt in my mind they held a weapon of extreme destruction because immediately Emily’s hands shot up to cover her face as her mouth gaped open in terror. The look of horror on her face that day will haunt my dreams for years to come. I realized that I must act to protect her, this would be my greatest trial. Defend Emily, or die trying. I launched myself across the room towards the Intruder. This would be the last time he invaded our sanctum. I let out a guttural roar as pounced at them. It was at that moment they finally noticed me. Perhaps the roar was my downfall. I should have known better than to announce my presence like that. We cats are renowned for our ability to sneak and capture prey. My emotions took hold that day and I acted not as a cat but as an animal. This ultimately led to my greatest failure. I only managed to score one swipe before they retreated beyond my reach. They won’t soon forget the might of Tiddles! However, like I stated previously. This is a story of my failure. My assault did not dissuade the Intruder from returning. If anything it emboldened them. Now they are here in our domain constantly. I can no longer relax, I must constantly keep my guard up and keep watch on my precious Emily. I have tried frontal assaults several more times since that first but to no avail. I must resort to guerrilla warfare. I attack when they least suspect it. When they let their guard down and have no where to run. Only when I have a clear line of retreat. I may have lost the battle. But they have not won the war.

The Cat's Canard

It started with a few visits. Harmless, I thought. Then the visits came more often. As long as she’s happy, I thought. Finally, those visits came abruptly. In the middle of the night. Early in the morning. Obsession, I thought. He was banging on the door at midnight, shouting and causing a riot. The hoarseness of his deep and powerful voice terrified me to the point where I would jump and then run to hide. Hiding was easy. It was instinctive. But not for her. She would make calls. Desperate ones where you could barely hear what she was saying through the wheezes. Everything seemed muffled. She would lock her door, sit behind it, forcing it closed as the banging continued. Straining her neck, she let out tiny shrieks of pain from every inch of effort she would put into keeping that door closed. Like it was a forcefield that could shield her from anything. Except it couldn’t. He bursted through the door, wielding a screwdriver in one hand. He’d tried to get the door unlocked that way, but apparently his foot kicking it in worked better. I heard her whine loudly as she began to scramble across the floor. She slipped around, facing him as he towered over her weak and helpless body. I watched from afar. I wanted to help her, I swear. I just couldn’t pull myself away from the dark and safe hole I’d buried myself in. I was stuck. My body trembled and my fur stuck up straight from my petrification. She continued to scramble backwards on her hands as she kept facing him. By then she was completely out of breath, backing herself straight into a wall. With a loud thud, her head hit the wall and her hyperventilating stopped in an instance. Now it seemed as though she couldn’t breath at all. Like she was holding it in because she was afraid of making a single sound. Her body still moved. It shook just as much if not more than mine was already shaking. She was trembling with fear of what he might do to her, and so was I. I almost stopped myself from watching. I didn’t want to see what was about to happen to my poor, sweet owner. I stared intensely as her eyes shut tightly. She was squeezing them shut. She couldn’t bare to watch what he did anymore than I could–but I forced myself. I had to know the truth of the story. Whatever pointless and fake story that he planned on telling; I wanted to expose it–somehow. With my eyes wide open I felt like someone was latching onto my eyelids just holding them. I couldn’t close them or so much as blink them without a massive flow of guilt striking me. He raised a hand with his screwdriver, ready to jab it down towards her. She yelped out one final scream of desperation. She could barely manage to lift her hands up out of defense once again before the screwdriver swung rapidly into the center of her now cracked open chest. The whole scene played out in front of me in what seemed like slow-motion. The screwdriver struck her, and then he twisted in out of her along with spews of blood and tissue. Her face fell, though she wasn’t dead quite yet. He threw the screwdriver back behind him. He discarded it as if it hadn’t just pulled the guts out of a woman. Then he reached down and hooked his hands over her wrists. He pulled her weak body off of the ground only to throw her back down against the wall. As the back of her head crashed with the wall, blood erupted from the back of her throat. She then lay hunched over as I watched every drop of blood drip off of her. No coughing. No cries of pain. She was dead. She was dead and he was running.