Writing Prompt
Write a poem about something a young child wants very badly but cannot have.
Consider your language use for the chosen age of the child and choose a specific style of poetry that would be suitable for this prompt.
My mom said I can’t have a birthday party but I didn’t ask to be born the day after the New Year. She said I can’t go anywhere without my little brother but I didn’t ask to be the first here.
She said I can’t talk like that and I can’t walk like that but I didn’t ask to be a girl. She said she wished she weren’t mine but how could I know my existence would shatter her world?
I didn’t ask to need love and I didn’t ask to need freedom. It was all just part of me. I didn’t ask to need myself more than I needed her, but I do and now I am free.
Leave the bunny at home. I asked for the trusted Red Ryder BB GUN. “But you’ll shoot your eye out.” Nostalgia playing the dream on repeat. We choose guns as dreams. Our society fails to protect. Gun lobbying is prevalent. Who owns our politicians? Wear your badge of courage. New prompt. None needed. Tell Em to provide backup.
Me versus Me. Reverse. Rewind. Lamar. Hail Mary? ANCSA of 1971. Bring back Nixon! Bring gun reform! Let Red Ryder be buried. How did we end up in this place? Crooked cops? Framed civilians. War on drugs aka war on crack introduced into Black communities. Manifest Destiny. Let us rise! Oklahoma rising! Bring your responsible gun ownership to the show.
I don't understand it They are just toys But some are for girls and some are for boys
I don't understand it I just want to know What it would be like In my own little home
We talked about colours And I prefer pink They thought I was joking But that's what I think
I don't like big fights I don't like trucks and cars I like pretty fairytales And cute popstars
I wish I could like what I want without fear. Dear Santa, I wish for a dollhouse this year.
I might look young, but i think i’m old enough. i’ll talk like a grown lady, to fight for what i want. listen to me mom…
for the past 6 years of my life i’ve played barbies and dolls. There are certain memories about you with me. All i remeber is you yelling and saying,
“kid, what is this mess!, clean! clean! clean!”
or maybe it’s the,
“when are you gonna listen! you are just like your father.”
not counting the times that when i get a boo boo you send me away.
“Go, go play with your cousins, i’m talking to your aunt."
why mom. why? mama i want a hug every now and then. i wish you gave me a kiss as you arrived home. i have a scar you probably don’t know about. it’s not in my physical body, but it’s inside my heart. mama, am i disapointment to you? i try to not make noise when you’re asleep. i feed the fish. i brush my teeth without you telling me to. am i really a bad kid? i clean my room. mama, it looks clean. i’m sorry if you hate me. i love you mom. i really do. all i want from you is attention. But apparently i cannot have it from my favorite person.
Just give me a moment to catch your eye and grin. ‘Cause connection is the first component in love, isn’t it?
You say a few words and a blush spreads along my skin. You bring all the nerves and the butterflies rush again.
I laugh at your bad jokes, because every syllable draws me in. And every part of me hopes that we could be a win-win.
I may have fallen, oh-so-far. So take caution, you make me kind of bizarre.
It seems I’m in love, and it’s frightening to think. Because you would never shove someone who wants to shrink.
Help… every. single. word. is. true.
The last stanza is kind of an allusion to how I met the person this is about.
Wasn’t really the prompt, but I consider myself a child at heart, soooo…
Dear Santa,
My big brother He’s all grown up Off to school he goes Leaving me home
If only I could come I could learn too He could teach me All there is to know
But I can’t He says There are no Small kids there It is all Tall kids
We spent the summer days Together And now he Has to go Leaving me all alone
And the tickle monster Is never Ever Ever Around anymore
All I want Is to hear his laugh As he chases me around And I pretend to be scared
All I want Is to feel his tickle As we both fall to the ground Laughing like maniacs
All I want Is to glue myself To his leg So whenever he leaves the house I would have to come!
All I want Is to become a pencil In his ginormous backpack So he would Need me too
All I want Is to snatch his homework And his essays Which he spends hours on Every night And turn into a dog And chomp it all up
All I want Is for him to skip basketball Just for one day And come home fresh And ready to play with me
But Mommy said That this year Is his big year And his last year So he needs to focus And he can’t play
So I can’t Cry every day When he exits through the door
So I can’t Throw a tantrum When he says no
So I can’t “Bother” him When he and his friends Are studying for Big boy tests That have Big boy math problems
And I can’t Act like a baby And bang on his door When he locks it
And I can’t Hide his backpack When he has to leave
And I can’t Steal his basketball And make him Late to practice
Because he Is too busy To play games now
But Santa, There is no school now And no practice But now there is a girl In his room every day
So now he still Doesn’t play Even though I’ve waited so Patiently!
I just want Him to turn into The silly Crazy Fun Tickle monster He used to be And tell me That he’s coming to get me
That’s all I want For Christmas I want No toys No games No candy
Just my brother
But I can’t have him Because Mommy says That he needs space Because this is a Very Very Very Hard year for him
And I know that But I don’t want Anything else For Christmas
So please Santa Bring him back?
Mommy says I have to go now
From, Eddie
P.S. I hope you like my cookies!
Heyyy guys! Hope you like this! This kind of is related to the song All I Want For Christmas Is You! I realized that halfway into writing this lol. But I have a little brother who also hates it when I have to stay up for hours doing homework and can’t play Roblox with him lol. He loves Roblox, I only half like it haha. But yeah! I wanted to kind of dive into the little sibling perspective since my sister and I are the older ones, and I do forget to look at things from his perspective sometimes which causes problems for sure😭😭 I also LOVE little kids😭💖 they’re the best!!!! Annoying too but mostly just insanely adorable🫡♥️ :)
clasping her hands the child prayed not for peace or love but for something only a child would seem to want desperately, hungrily
before the world caves in and the child wants something less
imagining the crisp water and the splash of its waves she begged,
dear god hallow be thy name please give me a pool it would be so cool
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