Writing Prompt
Write about a place only by describing what is not there.
Usually it is important to note the things that are present in an environment – so try focusing on the abscences to see if we can envisage your setting.
Where I stand, there are no skyscrapers or smoky glass-covered buildings.
Here, there are no great leafy palm trees or green grass to walk barefoot on.
Most places have a bodega or a convenience store. Not here.
You know what else? There are no street lights, no traffic signals, and no stop signs anywhere. Did I mention there were no cars?
So let me run the list for you: There are no house...
Other places have some neat things — sweeping glass buildings that touch the clouds, or a thousand different people with a thousand different lives; but not here.
Some places, you look up at an endless sky and you see a bright splash of color: blue or grey or pink or orange. Not here.
There are places where the sun is hot or the wind is cold, and places that people travel for miles to se...
No one knows its truth. The stories to be told only come through dreams and prayer. Life exists no more here. There is no more hate or hurt, but also no more healing or happiness. For those longing of this place, their pain will be lost. For those that arrive too soon, the lack of preparation will show.
How do I know so much of a place I have never been? I may have not been, but I know many who ...
Here there is no concrete
No cars whizzing by me
No horns scorning silence
No opinions being broadcast
No fighting with one’s demons
No gritty scenes of spirits dying
No decay of once proud buildings
No hungry souls diving dumpsters
No regret of what came before now
No fear of what could be
I’m in the present quiet
Only beauty surrounds me
I am at ease in the company of trees...
The walls are completely white. No pictures showing my sister and me as small children, playing in a swimming pool or riding on a colorful little trail.
The floor has been freshly put down, a gleaming parquet with no dents or scratches from pushing that old piano through the living room or accidentally dropping a log in front of the fireplace.
The rooms are completely empty and my steps echo as ...
There is no doom scrolling, no app delivery services, and certainly no influencers of any kind. No extremely left, extremely right, or extremely annoying shall enter. There is no rushed pace, nowhere to be, and not a cloud in the sky. Anything that deteriorates our brains and bodies will not be allowed access (cancer, genetically engineered food, Bachelor In Paradise). Religion is a bad word. Dres...
There are no tears here. No pressure in my chest or darkness. When I walk through the streets, no crime or bad people reach me. There is no silence carried with me like before.
My limbs have no weight to them. Nothing holds my body back as it moves and jumps. Emptiness is nowhere in sight. All I can see is the fact that there is no loneliness.
I am not cold or bored. There is nothing in my chest...
This place isn’t home, it’s not where I was born,
It’s not where I grew up, and for that, I’m forlorn.
Upon my first visit, I was moved by this place,
No hoards of people crowd this incredible space.
It’s nothing like the desert, barren and hot,
Oh, to live here, was my very first thought.
Something deep insides pulls on my heart,
It tells me to move here and just restart.
While it has riv...
Have you ever witnessed a performance
Nobody was the audience
But you
And you
The Call
The Response
I danced
I sang
I lifted my hands in joy
I Rocked the heavens high
Energy ebb
Energy flow
I got the music in me
And nobody to impede
My glow
A soul performance
God and self
The only witness
The mirror
With silent applause
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