Writing Prompt
Write a poem from the perspective of someone drunk and brave.
Play with the style of the poem to convey their current state.
Its dark, its pouring down Bright flashes strike, cutting through the black of the night. The cold precipitation melts landing on my hot blooded mammal skin As I breathe out the juniper berry and cigarette aroma linger in the air I’m wasted. But the rain feels good. I feel like defying nature, yelling into the void “strike me down, make me a lightning rod” Let me conduct something stronger than what I am My clothes are soaked though and my shoes are waterlogged An animal, gutteral scream is released from a long repressed place in my viscera. I look out onto the endless forest, making solemn witnesses of the pines.
And I begin to run, disappearing into it.
they were avoided by me I steeered clear of Them As the night wore on . . . I enjoyed some nice cocktails... no cocks for me, thanks
they were moving making a a ... a ruckus I prayed to the god I no longer cared for they would just pass by me
pretty tall? the blue dress shimmered I giggled, shimmer, glitter I swayyyed the music swayed with the blue
they blocked my view no more shimmer .... I don't like their stance table almost falls with me but something inside kept me up something primal what am I? an animal? maybe for tonight
I find myself close enough to smell their axe ugh so gross don't puke don't puke "Nice DREss TOM" music is too loud "Need a ride to the psych ward" of fucking course the contents of my stomach landed on all of THEIR shoes heh heh
they all made gross noises and fled blue dress shimmered near me "You ok hun?" ah that was sweet I looked at her and asked "What was that ... about... a PSYCH ward?" She offers her arm. I lean on her. Her eyes roll. Even her eyeshadow shimmers. "THEY asked if I needed a ride to one." "Why?" "well aint it obvious." She gestures to herself "I'm trans. and therefore crazy." I splutter a laugh. "so they treat you like a woman." "What?" Her brow glisten with sweat and pixie dust "Well that's what men do with women who are in anyway an inconvience to them. they put them in the nut house, excuse me that was not meant to be a pun I meant crazy house." she throws back her head laugh. "You are nuts." "Yep. I'm so glad I had to puke right then." "... boots with the fur" "O MG i love this song. Wanna dance?" I blurt out. "Sure." The blue dress glistened in the dance light next to me so glad I spotted the blue shimmering dress
Wine of Audacity
I drink to the brim, I grow into the night, Where courage boils over the edge, I sharpen the world with a glass, Drunk, daring, like May.
The knives of my words sharpen the thrill, Alcohol is my passion and verse, In the ringing rhythms of the heart, the battle And I am a hero, although I am no one's son.
My lines are drunk, like wine, I laugh hoarsely, I challenge fate, In every appearance - a wild movie, Life here is cool, like in adventures on the edge of the universe.
Through a drunken look I see the world brightly, Freedom in every drop, feigned passion, No barriers - my bold arsenal, I am a monsoon that blows away everything in a whirlwind of passions and heat.
At night, lights and traces glimmer, I paint fate on the walls of darkness, Every sip is a challenge and a challenge to courage, I'm drunk, daring, and I have no boundaries..
Holy Spirits
I cannot fit I will HIT my HeaD Let me sit
Dear father forrrr give me for I have sinned SO bad I am I good girl I swear I s swear My dRUNKeness does NOT lead me to sinEphesians 5:18 my lord but I did so after and I am sorry you c the thingisthat i dID WHAT I dud done did he. jesus coming to a conFESon booth drunk was not a p a rt of my night father whatdoido whatdoido whattodo whatis thertodo he i was me on knee for ALL the rong wreasons hands folded just like this for falllllllllse idoll but this pain guilt in my heart pang do not be drinked on wine-beer-vod-whisk- wherin in excess but be filled with the spirit just not those mhm i know my verses but forgot them when i went to a party im sin and im sorry
Mind racing, Heart pacing, Mind erasing, I feel dumb. It likes I feel nothing I feel numb, All the words I’m trying to say is right under my thumb But I can’t remember it It’s like I’ve been hung—————over I’ve always been sober I don’t know what happened See thats what happens when you don’t think Let alone drink Wondering why in the morning your bed smells rink Cause you were mature and brave enough to take a sip But you we’re stupid and immature enough to take that sip But the truth is you realize it now Don’t have to wake up wondering how you got home See you did that on your own And that makes you brave See even though you were drunk You still knew how to behave Im so glad that I made it home safe
The Nail In The Boot
The Nail in the Boot
Gin and tonic in hand, I sit, trying to write of love, of life— but his voice, loud and boisterous, shakes the quiet, rattles my mind. A large man. A presence. A weight. The drink takes hold, I’m feeling bold.
With my father’s voice behind my tongue, Oi! Ye cunt, keep it down! Some of us are trying to think. He blinks. A pause. A shift in air. I see it now—I’ve started a row.
As quick as I stand, he has me, pinned against the wall, a pillar of flesh. But there’s Scotch-Irish blood in me, the fire of a people crushed under boot. I catch his finger, set my roots. Snap. Crack. Squeal. I bite his ear—an orange to be peeled.
Blood spills, the violence is fun. And in a breath, he knows.
**I have won. **
I am the nail in the boot, sharp, intentional.
He steps back, bloody ear in hand, a big man knowing fear— perhaps for the first time.
As he walks away, I wait for the lights.
**The boots. The chains. **
I embrace my fate.
I Saved A Life
Can’t talk Slurring my words With a bottle in my hand Ready to take another drink Through my vision I can blearily see But I see a kid And a gun I see they are about to shoot I drunkingly walk over And say “Kid, it’s not worth it” And I push the gun from hand He gets up to run And still see him today And he just smiles and waves