Writing Prompt
The Breakable Barrier
All witches know their fate.
Banished from the fairy realm, they stay here in the waste land that is Sprion. Anything the fairies don’t like live in this land.
Far enough away from the fairies in Lillia that they feel safe but close enough to keep an eye on the witches.
Witches knew their place. It was said that once, a witch poisoned the fairy queen’s son and when he died, the queen banished all witches and that’s why no one practicing dark magic was allowed in.
That story has been told to Raven her whole life.
Too bad that it is all a lie.
“Raven! Are you coming?”
The moon is high in the sky, shining the only light this land sees.
“Yes! Just minute!”
Raven twirls her hand above her hand and a darkness runs over her. Once it clears, her clothes, black of course, appear instead of her pajamas.
Her friends, Ebony, Onyx, and Obsidian are all waiting for her.
They talk in hushed whispers. Tonight they are going up to the border of Sprion. Fairy watching.
It is something they do in the darkness of night since the elders don’t like them getting close. Fairies are bad. They hate them. But they fascinate Raven and her friends.
When they reach the physical barrier, they duck into the only foliage that grows in Sprion. The nature is the strongest the closer one gets to Lillia, the fairy kingdom. Fairies have such a natural connection to organic elements. Raven marvels at the strong trees, flowering blossoms, and bright greens. Nothing like that ever grows at home.
“I can’t believe fairies live like that,” Onyx mumbles. He always had an interest in plant life, but they don’t get much.
“Aren’t they supposed to be the kindest creatures? Why keep us banished?” Obsidian “Sid” points out. Not the first time someone has. The younger witch generations constantly pester the elders. It is their curious nature that has them testing the boundaries and limits.
“Look!” Ebony directs their attention to inside the barrier. A fairy with pink, sparkly wings and equally shimmery flowy dress flies around. She appears to shed glitter which restores some of the grass and bushes.
Studying this fairy, she throws more of her magic and it gets close to the bubble and actually a few sparkles go through the wall. That surprises them all.
They were all told that no magic could go through. Witches couldn’t cross over and neither could fairies.
Her eyes are drawn to fairy dust on the ground on their side of the barrier. They shine and glisten, contrasting with the dark, dry land.
A thought pops into her head and she shoots her magic towards the barrier, a dark stream hits it, but a few specks make it through.
There is something that pulls Raven. Not physically, but something deep inside her that is calling her, possessing her to move.
“Rave! What are you doing?” Ebony lunges to grab her arm, but she misses when Raven continues closer.
She can’t explain it. Something wants her there.
“Raven?” Apprehension fills all of them.
The fairy has the same wide eyed, glazed over look as Raven. Both advancing towards the boundary. Onyx goes to grab her arm, but something prevents him. He can’t even get close to her skin. Her own personal bubble has formed.
As they both walk over each other’s magics, the dust on both sides light up.
Her hand reaches up towards the barrier and instead of bouncing off, her hand goes through. The pink fairy’s hand also perforates the boundary.
Then as quick as that happened, both girls retract their arms like they were lit on fire. The dust’s glow dies down.
“What? What am I doing?” She asks, looking around at her friends.
“You were like entranced by something and then you and that fairy both went through the bubble,” Ebony summarizes.
“We went through it?” The fairy questions, her voice not as high pitched as Raven would have guessed. Raven’s friends nod. “That shouldn’t be possible,” she mutters, her wings fluttering rapidly.
“Who are you? I’ve never seen a fairy this close to the border,” Raven directs her attention to the fairy. “My name’s Calla. Yours is Raven?”
“Yes, that’s my friends, Ebony, Onyx, and Sid,” she introduces while pointing to each person.
“It’s a special moon tonight. The Wisdom Council were talking about it. It affects the barrier, I think.”
“Why did it affect you guys?” Sid asks, though he knows that no one has the answer. “Maybe our magics going through the bubble?” Raven states, but it comes out as a question.
She points to the dying glow of both of their magic specks on both sides.
“Can you go through it now?” Onyx inquires.
Raven and Calla bring their hands up to the barrier, but their touches are repelled.
“That’s so strange,” Calla marvels, clearly more positive about the situation than the rest of them. “I should go to the council about this.”
A strong instinct inside Raven revolted at that idea. “No!” Everyone stares at her, surprised at her outburst. “I mean, we don’t know even know if that was a one time thing. Maybe try to poke around without causing attention. We weren’t even supposed to be this close to the barrier. I assume you aren’t either.”
Calla’s eyes lower and Raven knows she’s right. So no one on both sides are allowed to be near the bubble. “So what now?” The fairy’s wings flutter, showing the nervousness right away.
Figures. Fairies don’t know how to lie.
“We ask questions that just sound curious without any indication of tonight. Calla, try to find out about this weird moon. We meet back here tomorrow,” Raven lays out this plan. She doesn’t know where this take charge attitude came from, but she knows she needs to learn more.
Magic is highly instinctual whether you are a witch or a fairy. That same pull that Raven gets from her magic is pulling her towards the border even still. Something is going on, she just doesn’t know what.
And it is clear that to find out what the hell is going on, she needs this fairy’s help.
——— (This is separate from my Trust series with Nova and Haze. Both have witches, but they are not related. This world is based on my previous post The Real Truth.
Have any name suggestions? I’m thinking flower names for fairies and things associated with darkness and dark colors for witches such as Obsidian and Onyx and Ebony.)
“you’re too nice!” they say when i speak my pretty words or purge my filthy mouth of the venom that remains unheard
“you’re too nice!” they say when i explain why i don’t hate her but the truth i’ll never reveal my sins remain greater
“i don’t feel nice,” i say when i know what i’ve done it’s not just the big incidents either but every little one
“your guilt makes you nice!” i’ve heard it all before and maybe i’m sweeter than most people but too much i’ve had to endure
for my silence is deadly my boundaries i do grieve of course, feel free to touch me whenever you so please
you think i’m ‘nice’ because i’m weak a pushover you can treat however but some common sense would be lovely will your hands be on me forever?
everyone will hate you so listen to what they say nod your head and agree when they ask if you can pay
“you’re too nice!” they say i’m beginning to hate that phrase but they like me because i’m not a person just a radio for praise
“you’re too nice!” they say now i understand why they use ‘too’ if i had been meaner from the start the heartbreaks would be few
but my goodness, i am done i can’t live like this much longer it’s a shame the world is like this but it’s time to be a little stronger
i hate that it’s come to this and i guess i’ll pay the price but i’m growing a backbone now because i am done being nice.
You Were My Hero [song Love The Way You Lie -anson Seabra]
[On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright]
I remember going to Starbucks with you and then going to books a million I remember your smile and your laugh how I always followed you around when I was younger
[then this thing turned out so evil I don’t know why I’m still surprised]
11 years later you moved out west you used to come back every summer but last summer you left without saying goodbye last time I saw you was Sarah’s wedding but then you said you had work tomorrow and left I haven’t heard from you since then and you don’t even text back anymore. You’ve told lies about the family.”
[ Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take love to new extremes but you always be my hero even though you’ve lost your mind]
I was going through a hard time I thought I could trust you but then everything fell apart I still love you it hurts so much like holding a shard of glass but you probably think you did nothing wrong
[just gonna stand there and watch me burn it’s alright because I love the way you lie now there’s gravel in our voices glass shattered from the fight but in this tug of war you always win even when I’m right cause you feed me fabled from your head with empty words and violent threats ]
I found a new friend but I still havent moved on from our old friendship but I’m scared I’ll become like you and break her heart to the point of no fixing iv hated what iv become so scared to trust my new friend because you broke my trust so scared to love her like a friend I’m scared to call her on the phone now because I won’t know if she’ll answer or not scared to have good times with her because they might be the last times I haven’t talked to her in a week I’m scared I’m becoming the bad part of you
Vampires! They stormed the town killing everyone in sight. Me, Tony and Rob were the only survivors. We ran out of the town, why stay? Vampires have took it over! Our home! Gone! Took by those wretched monsters!
“Curse those horrid beasts!” Tony cries when we finally stopped running.
“Beasts is too nice a word!” I mutter.
“Soulless monsters!” Rob said.
“Oh they have souls, the problem is they stole those souls from the innocent people they killed!” I yelled.
We set up some tents and went to bed, tomorrow we will come up with a plan to take them down!
I woke up later in the night to screaming. I got up and went out my tent. Vampires had surrounded the tents! I turn and see two figures running away!
Tony and Rob abandoned me! Left me to be killed by the vampires!
I was going to run but the vampires had me trapped!
One flew at me! It’s sharp fangs pierced my neck!
I cried out in pain.
It’s too late! I feel my blood being sucked from my neck! It’s killing me!
Well if I’m going - then it’s going too! I think grabbing my knife from my pocket. My knife is laced with garlic oil. I jab it into the vampires chest!
It screams, a horrid, ear piercing scream! It’s fangs release from my neck and it falls back, it lies there dead!
The other vampires turn into bats and fly off!
“You monsters!” I yell.
I fall back, my hand on my neck. I feel so week! That monster killed me!
I thought I was dying, I was wrong! It was worse!
I felt my skin crawl and my blood boiled! I was freezing! The roof of my mouth felt like something was piercing in from the inside out! I felt two huge cuts open on my back and I cried out! My fingers were being stretched out and I felt my nails growing about a hundred times faster than they should!
When this was over something else started.
I felt like I was being crushed! My skin was bubbling! The cuts on my back grew round to my arms and my bones pressed out! My skin on my arms stretched! My throat scratched!
Suddenly that all happened but in reverse!
I opened my eyes. I looked at my arms, they were a light blue! I felt something poking my bottom lip! My fingers were long and bony, my nails were like claws!
“NO NO NO! THIS CAN’T BE!” I screamed.
I was a vampire!
Was my conscious about to slip away? Was I going want to kill a load of people!?
A thought came to my mind: Why did I turn into a vampire when everyone else just died?
Oh no! I killed a vampire while it’s fangs we’re in my neck! I got rid of one and became another!
I noticed I was starving. But I ate like an hour ago. But I didn’t eat what vampires are supposed to eat; blood!
What was I going to do? I can’t be a vampire!
I look at the dead vampire on the floor, the knife was at its side. I reached and grabbed it but as soon as my hand touched the handle it burned so bad! Garlic! I’m a vampire I can’t touch garlic! How can I protect myself without my knife? Wait, I’m a vampire, I protect myself how vampires do!
I might as well try to be a vampire.
No! Listen to me! I’m becoming an evil monster! But I can’t reverse this. The only way to survive is to live as a vampire.
I stood up.
Took a deep breath.
My skin crawled again and before I knew it I was in the air flapping my arms (which now had some sort of sheet of skin beneath them), flying! I turned myself into a bat! I have no idea if I’m exited or terrified.
I flew away. Towards the clouds.
After a few minutes I saw Tony and Rob beneath. I went down forgetting I was a vampire for a moment and they probably would want to kill me. But when I finally remembered they already saw me and were about to shoot me with their arrows. My only option was to go down and reveal what happened and hope they don’t try and kill me.
I went right to the ground and transformed back. I narrowly missed an arrow from Rob!
“NO! Stop shooting please, it’s me!” I cry.
“Amelie!” Rob screamed, “you’re a vampire! How are you a vampire!”
“The vampire bit me!”
“As if!” Tony cried, “If you get bit by a vampire you die! You must have been a vampire all along!”
He and Rob start shooting at me again so I turn back into a bat and fly away!
“You idiots, I wasn’t a vampire!” I try to yell but it comes out as a squeak.
I know what they’re thinking: the Amelie they knew would have killed herself if she became a vampire. I don’t know why I didn’t, I just felt maybe it wouldn’t be too bad being a vampire.
I land a little while later. The cuts on my back feel odd. Suddenly wings sprout from them! So I can either be a bat or I can just have bat wings!
I suddenly feel a burn. I look over, the sun was rising! Oh no! I fly away trying to find shelter, finally I see a cave! A go straight in.
I’d have to stay here until sun-down. I was starving but I would have to wait before I could get food.
I don’t know why but being a vampire has been weird, but also amazing! Even if there is a cure I want to stay like this.
No! I can’t stay like this! But, I might have to.
Suppose I’m a vampire now.
I Have Become You
To my creator, the one person who was supposed to love me, what did I do wrong? I tried my best, I did all you asked and yet it was never enough. You tell me ‘it’s all your fault that pathetic man left!’ And ‘if you weren’t such a nuisance..’ I hate you. No, I despise you. I want you to suffer.
Yesterday, I did something.. I was angry and I’m mad at myself for it. I yelled at my best friend and called her annoying. Why? Why did I do that? Then it hit me.. and it stung. I am turning into my mother. I am turning into the monster I hate with a passion. I’ve apologised nearly 50 times now. I can’t believe I acted like her… the thing that I hate the most, I acted like it.
Genes. That’s usually the answer, right? I’m related to her so.. now I’m trying my hardest to not be anything like her. I watch my tone and what I say and my actions. I’m watching myself like a hawk.
I’m scared. I’m scared I’m going to push everyone away..
Brutal Reality
The gravel under my bare feet dug into the calluses on my skin, but my nerves felt nothing. Thick liquid ran down several spots of skin, yet the sting of a wound wasn’t there. My hands shook despite my efforts, and my vision blurred the longer I stared ahead.
All the people I once loved—those I vowed to save—laid around me with fear in their eyes. I stepped around them, cries and pleas fading into my numb thoughts. The road was long and my limbs felt heavy, but I continued on. I had a mission to fulfill. I’d sacrificed everything to get here.
Hot breath on my neck caused me to still, and chills rushed over my skin. A hand rested on my shoulder, and my vision blurred even further. Hot tears trailed down my battered and bloodied face as the hand brushed up on my neck.
“You’ve done well…” the breath burned the surface of my skin, “…my dear.”
My lip quivered, but the tears ceased their fall. As if I’d cried my last, they dried up and morphed into a new emotion. It was so new and raw I couldn’t begin to understand it. The longer I stood in the middle of the gravel streets, my emotions started to become a distant memory.
A hand wiped away the tears from my face, but no one stood in front of me. I dared myself to turn, only to spot all the battles I fought to stand here. I reached to touch my neck, and another chill ran through me. There was nothing.
“Don’t worry.”
I jumped and spun around once more. The sharp gravel beneath my feet began to feel like pillows as I stared back into familiar red eyes—though the body they possessed were not the ones they belonged to. I stared back at my own reflection, and yet I could barely recognize the person I had become.
Damien loathed bologna sandwiches. The meat never tasted right to begin with and it always left a lingering film on the roof of his mouth. He chucked the ziploc bag in the garbage and slumped into the chair next to Lane.
“Bologna again?” Lane asked as he scooped the cheesiest bite of macaroni into his mouth. “Yeah.” Damien said through his teeth. “Why can’t he make me real food for lunch?”
It was dad’s fault. He always rushed things in the morning, and that meant lunches that were bland and simple. “Maybe he’s just not good at that kind of thing,” Lane said. “Or he doesn’t know what you like.” Another bite of Mac and cheese. Not that Dad would care to know, Damien thought. He’s always off doing something with his friends or working on some project for work. Whenever we end up in the same room for more than 30 seconds, it gets really awkward.
“I think he hates me.” Lane stopped eating and looked at Damien. “Why would you say that?” “Because it’s true.” “He can’t hate you.” “And why not?” “It’s against the rules or something. He’s you’re dad. That means he has to love you.”
Maybe Lane was right. Maybe avoiding eye contact and making crappy lunches added up to something more. But all it said to Damien was he wasn’t important enough to warrant any attention outside the usual eat, sleep, school cycle.
I’m an ugly puppy to him, Damien thought. He gives me cheap bowls of fake meat and pawns me off on everyone else because he’s “too busy” or “overwhelmed.” Maybe he doesn’t hate me.
He just doesn’t care. …
Damien woke up, his back damp with sweat. The room was dark, which meant it wasn’t morning yet. But a faint blue outline around the window meant it would be soon. He glanced at the shape beside him: Ellie. She was lying on her back with the covers pulled up to her chin, her large belly protruding upwards. “Our baby,” he thought.
He gently slipped out of bed and downstairs to the kitchen. He flipped a light on and got himself a cup of water. It wasn’t a coincidence that he’d dreamed about middle school last night - about his friend Lane, and the bologna sandwich. About his father.
“I’ll be a father soon,” he whispered. He winced as he felt his chest tighten. “And I’ll screw it up, just like him.”
“No one says you have to,” said a voice.
Damien turned his head to see Ellie standing in the doorway. She cradled her belly as she walked over and snuggled into his side. “In fact, I say you show him what it means to be a real father.”
“You think so?” Damien chuckled and kissed her head. “I sure hope I do. I never want our baby to question how much I love her.”
“It’s a girl now, huh?” Ellie smiled.
“Better a mini-you than a mini-me,” Damien said.
“Please, no! Do you have any idea how frightening I was as a child? You really want a tangled mane of red hair running around nipping at your ankles?” Ellie saw him smile, and she stroked his cheek with her hand. “I’d much rather have a gentle, loving boy with those beautiful eyes.” She kissed him. “You are more than he ever was, Damien.”
Something in her eyes stole his fears away. Nothing else in the world could do that.
“Come on then,” she said, holding his hand and backing towards the stairs. And he followed her to bed and fell asleep once more.
The nightmare had ended, and something new took its place.
My teacher used to say that if you always worry about the worst-case scenario, it will come to pass. I feared becoming like my father, a soldier fighting a war meant for the dead. I was obsessed with avoiding that ledge, but it was no Use. The ground opened up beneath my feet and swallowed me whole.
People celebrate the only soldier to come home from war. They don’t mourn for those killed because they were pawns. Breathing weapons handed a Gun as mere children. I sit at the sidelines, waiting for blood to spill. Mothers guide children away from me, and older men can't meet my eyes. So I sit with the knowledge that the worst has come and gone. I am the enemy, the man they hang at the Center Square. Like my father, my child or someone else will come along and destroy this rusted sword.
Who Is It You Claim To Be Part III
I hold my blade tight to the which’s throat, letting teasing drops of blood make their way down it, pooling in her bosom. “Reverse it.” I hiss at her, pressing the knife in closer. She grits her teeth. “Never.” Frustration boils up in my chest. “One last chance.” I manage to grit out through my anger. Her eyes lick mine, and she repeats the word. “Never.” I do not hesitate now. I push the dagger into her neck, severing it from her body. Blood spills over the floor as I leave.
As a child, I wanted to be the hero of ever story. Girls weren’t always considered brave. I wanted to prove them wrong. I would ride out on my pure white stead, flying into the night, sword in hand. I would slay the evil that threatened the land, and then the world would rejoice! My name known across the entire earth! They would shower me in gifts, make me honoured by all. Even the king and prince would kneel when I came by. We’d all be best friends. I always thought hero was the best. The hero always won. I laugh a little. Not any longer
I approach the last which’s house. I’ve killed all the others. She must reverse hers, or I’ve truly lost. I expect to see a tall, strong woman, like every other, willing to give their own life, but instead, she lays and the floor, huddled in a ball. “I’ll do it!” She wails, hands over her head. She’s shaking so violently, I’m unsure if she’s sane, but she stands up, hands moving in harsh patterns, muttering under her breath. I wait for what feels like hours. Then there’s a burst of light, and she’s back in the floor, tucked away. “I did it. I did it. Now be gone.” I don’t leave though. I have to ask something of her. “Which spell did you remove?” Her eyes find me. “His clothing used to be free of stains, but blood will soak them now that my protection is gone.” Then her eyes roll back in her head. Great. A riddle.
“Who is it that you claim to be?” The king says, slouched in his chair, his five year old son standing dutifully beside him. “I, your majesty, have come to offer my skills as a swordsman, to serve at your side.” I stood proud and tall. Even if I had been a woman, I was as good a knight as any. The king was silent for a moment before he burst into laughter. “A woman? In my ranks?” He seems borderline hysterical. “Is this a joke?” My face had flushed with anger. “No.” I had said, trying to steady my voice. “Out of my palace.” His voice was abruptly stern. “But your majesty, I’ve taken the training an-” “OUT!” He bellows. I was so frightened by his voice, I dare not argue. I slowly walk out of the room. “You are not fit to serve me WOMAN!” He says as I shut the door. He will regret not accepting me, I told myself. He will regret it when I kill his only son.
Switching Side
This city had once seemed wonderful. It was the place where I became powerful. It was the place where I felt like all my dreams came true. And I loved it, this city. And I loved the people in it.
I had once seen them as kind and loyal. I had once seen them as supporters. I had once seen them as deserving of protection. Deserving of my protection. I had always shown up, whenever they called. I always made sure they were safe. And the one time I needed them, they did nothing.
I watched my family die, and my friends die at the hands of Freeze Ray and there was nothing I could do.
They showed up after, with some sympathy, but it was short lived before life went back to normal. And they went back to needing me. And I wanted more and more to not show up. Because I don’t see this city as I was did.
I see this city as empty and lonely. I see only bad memories, or bittersweet ones. This city is now marked with death. Their deaths. This city is where all my dreams were stolen from me. It’s where I now feel my weakest. And I don’t feel the same way about the people inside this city as I used to.
I see them as cajoling. I see them as demanding. Manipulative. They don’t care about me, as I once thought, they only care about what I can do for them. They want to use me for their ends. They saw my team, my wife, my children as expendable. They probably see me as expendable too.
This city I once loved. And these people I once protected. I hate. All I can think about now is how to get revenge against this place and the people inside of it who destroyed me.