Writing Prompt
Who are we when no one is watching?
Write a poem that answers this question.
Around others I act nothing like myself I laugh at their jokes when they’re not funny I smile when I am hurting inside And I cry to get away with something sometimes But on my own I am my best self I am my own best friend The walls are my other friends I talk to them often complaining about other humans I dance with a ghost in my bedroom The curtains are closed Around me I act so much like myself I giggle at my jokes I smile and I mean it And I never cry or lie But around others I act And I am the greatest actor of all time
Who are we when no one is watching?
Well, there are multiple answers to this question. Some decide to be their genuine selves. Those people are the ones who include the quiet kids in group projects, even when their teacher isn't there to praise them for it. They're the ones to offer money to someone in public who's short a few bucks, but do the same when nobody’s around to impress. They don't do good deeds for attention, they do it out of empathy. Because deep down they know they've been in that position before, hoping somebody would’ve helped them when they needed it.
On the other hand, there's the people who completely change based on the situation. For instance, college recruiters come to a basketball game. Every player on the court knows that the recruiters don’t only care about skill, but sportsmanship too. They watch each players’ attitude. How they treat their teammates, or how they react over a mistake. The recruiters want to make sure they take the game seriously, but not enough to get frustrated over everything. So the players that usually blame others, and don't respect their coaches, turn into totally different people. They become much more positive and lift eachother up instead of bringing eachother down. Because they know if THEY acted like their genuine selves, they wouldn't get an offer. They hide their true colors until they physically can't any longer.
That's the thing about karma. The people who do the right thing will receive it, but so will the "fakers.” This is because karma can be good or bad. At the end of the day, everybody will get what they deserve once it's too late to change their actions.
Choose to be a good person. Even when making a bad decision feels so much easier, doing the right thing will show better results. One small act or gesture could make somebody's day even better. Even if someone is watching or not.
When no one is watching I allow my tears to fall freely. When no one is watching I allow my pain to course through me. When no one is watching I allow myself to feel. No matter how painful the emotion. __ When everybody is watching I put on a fake smile. When everybody is watching I put on a brave face. When everybody is watching I pretend I’m fine. Even when I’m not. __ __ __ __ Don’t be like me. __ __ __ Talk to somebody.
Who am I when no one’s watching?
Perhaps I’m the narrative of my mind,
Crafted by the viscous mold of trauma,
Or the wickedness of humanity,
Fleeting in its existence, a blight,
An all consuming disease,
I could be the wretchedness of desire,
A lust which permeates deep in my soul,
Must I always sabotage myself?
I am the pretender,
The damned,
The rotting flesh that nurtures soil,
The bone which shines,
Must I die so many times to change?
To recreate myself anew?
No one’s watching,
So I crumble to dust.
Who are we when no one is watching? Are we the truest version of ourselves? The raw version where light shines on our deepest darkness? The pure version where our souls fill up our entire being, finally free of the chains we smother them in?? When we can forget about worldly pressures and simply just be??
Are we who we truly are only in the quiet moments? Or is who I am a reflection of how I act when I’m surrounded by my community??
Is it the forced smile I give a stranger Or the lack of responsibility behind closed doors?? The hug I give to a lost soul Or the calm silence in my chest when I’m alone?
Who are we when no one is watching? No one different I am me You are you
Who we are never shifts or wavers. How we act however, is an ever changing display
Why show the truth when the world’s full of lies? Why not hide behind a smile, while everybody cries?
Why not laugh in someone’s face, while planning their demise? Why be authentic, when everyone wears a disguise?
The truth of the matter is, no one is truthful. Masks are the only things that are useful.
Taking the mask off is harder for the normal. They don’t want to risk not looking moral.
But deep down we all have feelings we don’t want to show. Ones that would put us in an asylum; lined up for a deathblow.
Mask off, mask on. Don’t let them see what you do before dawn. Mask on, mask off. Bring pain like fire to a moth.
Keep the mask, don’t go outside the norm. Keep the mask, let your emotions swarm.
If the sky fell tonight My mind would still be in flight Drifting endlessly through space Ever lifted, never traced Though the shadows lurk in stride People smile, and people hide Not so different you and I When no man watches No man tries Introspection at it's worst We are given tasks at birth but when time comes for us to emerge No man wise All man purge.
The You who isn't someone You're proud to be
The You who Scrunches their toes And hunches their back
The You who Picks their nose And lets lingering silences linger
The You who lives spontaneously In the moment, Who shuns the rehearsed jokes And practiced smiles Of the typical social convention
The You who startles Who retreats into another, Polished You When someone else comes near.
who are we when no one is watching? as for me, does my bubbly facade fall? is it a facade or is it true, do i cry in my room tears that stain my pillowcase from nights late with anguish or do i smile to myself thinking of you? maybe i would, if i had anyone to think about no, rather i lay on my bed and stare up at my ceiling, wondering questioning thinking why can no one seem to love me properly? is it me or do i simply keep chosing the wrong people, the people who don’t like to love to show emotion the people who find it unnatractive to care i try to be who they want but reality slips in i care so deeply for so much i laugh so hard tears stream down my face and my smile radiates so much love for these people, a smile that they don’t return i can’t bring myself to feel sad now that there is an emptiness in my heart where your name used to be because it feels as though mine hasn’t been in yours for a long time
i’m not sure who i am when no one is watching for it feels as though someone is always watching i wish i understood the freedom to know my worth, know who was going to give me the love i deserve know which boys i’m not going to have to lie to my mom about because he never told me i was beautiful but i tell her that he did because it’s embarassing my own boyfriend doesn’t even think i’m pretty or at least can’t express it to me if he does
i wish someone would love me in the way i love others but i’m worried i’ll never find someone who wants who i am when no one is watching because how could they when i don’t even know who i am when no one is watching
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