Writing Prompt
"Deep down, you're really shallow"
Paradox - a phrase which would appear to contradict itself, but makes metaphorical sense. Write a poem that starts and ends with a different paradox.
Deep down You’re really shallow
The change Is tiering
Have hope For you to despair
Fall into a pit Of light to dark
You came back For you to disappear
You have nothing to hide But nothing to find
Find yourself Sink lower into your hole
You finally saw the world For the first time
For you to finally close your eyes
your tongue whispers your grand fate its not your fault you look upon yourself haste continue to look around for someone at fault someone else to blame for your pain, wondering your solutions give you headaches nobody would understand what you’re trying to state anyway
have you done this to yourself all that stands in the room is you though theres evil into your eyes all day and every night
you stay there blurry eyed though i understand why
To be alive is to be dead, which fills me with dread,
To be high is to have hit a low, farther than you can go,
Lies the very cold embrace, of nothingness is great,
Or so I am told.
Yet heart in my hands, here I will stand,
With nothing to find, and nothing to hide,
And everything is light, but nothing is right,
And it just makes me want to cry.
The more you try to hold on to love, The more likely it is to slip away…
I learned this the hard way. I tried to hold on, But you pushed me away.
You slipped away from me, You said you never loved me, You said I wasn’t good enough, And yet, I still tried to hold on.
I tried to prove you wrong, Day in, day out, But I still failed Without a doubt.
Even with my Efforts, I still wasn’t good enough for You.
Deep down, You’re really shallow…
I have learned a lot in my life Like how you have to put up with All the animals swimming in me And I have to cause hurricanes And tsunamis when I really don’t want to
That causes people to hate me They despise of me, leak oil into me And hurt what I love, they fin sharks They overfish and they killed some Just for fun and I met many who I hated
Storms would brew and I killed people I watched them drown because they Hurt me, though I didn’t want to I even met a few who fell in love with me One girl who came every day
Every day for eighteen years Didn’t miss a day and she loved me She splashed into the depths and I saved her No. She saved me, or until I hurt her One day she fell in love with a man
And that was when she still visited But the man killed the things I loved He was a fisherman and he did it Not for his living but for fun So I swallowed him hole
He drowned that day and The girl turned away and I was sad She cursed me, the girl who loved me Told me, “deep down, you’re really shallow” Then she fled, and never returned
And I quaked. All sealife felt my sorrow No matter how hard I tried I still was The Ocean I didn’t want to be The Ocean But I was and I swore I’d never love again
Deep down, you’re really shallow. Everything inside you screams hate Yet every glance you give me is filled with love. Your tongue whispers of our grand fate, But your fingers begin to lace Closing down on my throat.
What is it about me you love so much? Whisper in my ear dear, For I can play this game too. You, my darling, Are just the bait All that you fear is coming near.
Are you eager to begin? Trying to snake your way into my heart Unsuspecting of the parasite who’s been by your side all along.
You, an apple with an already rotten core. Why would you notice me? Soon you will. The end will come for you And your silly game dear. I’m the nightmare from your happiest dreams.
Deep down, you’re really shallow.
They say that crushes are like fireworks: Beautiful to watch but only lasting moments. I tried to prolong you, grasping your components-
Like a candle’s last breath, the falling tallow, Like a rising fireworks expression, the vibrant hallow,
Deep down, you’re really shallow.
It’s funny how the mind makes full course meals out of breadcrumbs: An occasional smile, a fleeting blink Which in my haste I mistook for a wink.
Hindsight’s a killer.
Forgive my inexperience, forgive my callow, Forgive me for thinking it all wouldnt lie fallow
But deep down, you’re really shallow.
What is the essence of a crush? A fugitive feeling, with its core so close to its surface? A sadistic enthraller with evil motives and purpose?
It’s lacklustre.
Like a towering giant being grazed by an arrow, Like a spindling bone, stripped of its marrow,
Deep down, you’re really, really shallow.
Deep down, you're really shallow, A truth that cuts like knives. In depths of introspection, We find our surface lives.
Layers peeled reveal no core, Just masks we thought were real. The more we seek to know ourselves, The less there is to feel.
We dive into our psyche's sea, Expecting hidden treasure. But find that in complexity, Simplicity's the measure.
The wisest know they nothing know, A paradox most clever. For in the end, we come to find: The more we change, the more we stay the same forever.
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