Writing Prompt
Humans traditionally have five main senses: create a new one.
You could draw inspiration from the senses of other animals or plants and describe how it would feel for humans, or you could invent a completely new sense!
We have sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Those are the five senses you probably learned in school. But there is one more teaches didn’t teach you. The sense. I believe this name is stupid. That’s why many call it common sense, which is even worse. This sense allows you to know when to stop talking or give someone a hug. It tells you to eat or sleep or get off your phone or exercise. But just like some people are blind or deaf, some people don’t have common sense. Another reason I think calling it common sense is dumb. This sense is not common.
(Disclaimer: This is Fictional)
There are five senses that humans have. Smell, touch, hearing, taste, and seeing. But, did you know there was another? One that is quite rare to find in a human. It is called echolocation. You’ve probably heard of this before because bats, whales, and dolphins have this sense.
A human that has this sixth sense can use this sense to detect objects around them, using reflected sound. However, this sixth sense can only be used in the dark and if not mastered, could be nearly impossible to use at all. Humans used this sense to hunt for food at night. This would prevent them from completely starving or getting attacked by a predator in the dark.
Sadly, most humans don’t have this sixth sense anymore due to neglect in using it. Since most humans don’t need to hunt anymore, this sense has not come to use. Luckily, a lot of tribes still have this sixth sense and are still using it to this day.
Hello guys, my name is mark,Let me tell you the story how I created the sixth sense, you may wonder what is the sixth sense? The sixth sense is full body awareness, basically you have spidey senses. Here’s the story how I found out, December 21 2064, a cold night in NYC, I was in the Bronx and it pretty lonley there. I was just walking down this back street to get to my house, but somthing felt off, I didn’t know what it was but I KNEW something was up. So I headed back to the main road, as soon as I got back home I turned the news channel on, on the very same back road I was on, some one got murdered I gasped, I then heard gunshots out by the door, I grabbed my Kimberly 1911 and just held an angle at my front door, out of nowhere I knew I had to shoot, so I did, five shot at the door and I heard screaming so I checked the door and someone in an orange jail suit with an ar 15 I knew something changed about me. The next day I whent down to the E.R and asked them what was wrong, they diddnt believe me but they still ran test on me. They couldn’t believe it. They told me only a few people have this gift, they said that I’m one in 1,000,000,000 to have this gift. I felt very safe till this very day.
I bet if you’re happy The shadow still lurks I bet if you smile It’s a little strained I bet you’ve been told To cheer up I bet you’ve cried Yourself to sleep
I guess we all know That feeling I guess that’s a smile Your hiding I guess it’s a bit silly But isn’t all love? I guess from all your clues About who your crush is
I think your so strong Even though you don’t feel it I think too much as well Going down those spirals I think it’s difficult To articulate these things I think we can do it though Beat this fear together
I want you to know That this is a gift I want it to be heard I am not ashamed I want you to understand That this is natural Cause emotions shape our world And they do matter You do matter Always.
I took his eyes so he can’t see, his tongue so he can’t taste, his ears so he can’t hear, his fingers so he can’t feel, and his nose so he can’t smell. And I left him like that in the dark, starving, no way to release his ropes.
Humans have had five senses for as long as I can remember, that’s what I was always taught, I knew there was more, there had to be more because five was far too simplistic. To clean. I knew about the sense of knowing where each part of your body is at any time, I took that from him too when I removed his parts.
If you go by that one folktale, there is another sense to see the dead, that was fine he can’t see anything now.
What I didn’t account for, what I never considered was the eighth sense. The one which led to me taking his place in that chair.
I expected him to give up, to die in his place, but he refused. Can you believe that? He refused!
He sat there for days, bloody and cold, his body slowly decaying with him inside it. Every part of him is destined to give up eventually. I had no reason to bet on it. That’s just how things work.
He sat there, staring at nothing, open mouthed, heart still beating against his rib cage and simply waited. Waited until his wrists were so thin, the ropes fell right off. And he stood in the dark, unguarded, why would he need to be? He was no longer a threat. And he walked, feeling each cobblestone beneath his toes as he waited by the door until nightfall. He pushed his skeletal body forward out into the night, where he was seen by a maid. Who took him in and warned the others.
With him alive, they had restored their hope. And they all; all of them made their way to my door and dragged me out kicking and screaming.
I was bound in his discarded ropes, playing a million scenarios in my mind as to how he did it. How he escaped. And it dawned on me as his wife held her dagger to my neck, that what he had, what so many of us lack, as she swiped the blade across my skin, was a sense of patience.
When aliens first came into contact with humans, it went much more civilly than any sci-fy writers or diplomats had expected. To be fair, their predictions were based purely on the human responce, and aliens are anything but. when they came to earth- or rather, when we first hailed them from the ISS voyager shuttle- they were in awe of us. We were so fragile to them, and they were suprised we were still here. Apparently most carbon-based creatures are made of much tougher material, and most oxygen breathing creatures were made of much less solid stuff. We were a statistical anomoly. We didn't eat how they ate, we didn't function like they did. Our repiratory system seemed to puzzle them, and our digestive system all but horrified them. ("Acid? In your Stomach? and you just Dissolve your food to absorb the nutrients? but your not a plasma form?") So, of course, having our new friends was truly insightful for us. Our scientists quickly joined forces with their scientists to chart similarities and differences- the latter much mor frequent- and to learn about environments and systems outside of the Milky Way. It was very early into their combined research- really only a few months- when the Aliens began to point out features of humankind that we ourselves did not ever notice. Apparently, only ever researching with humans creates a bit of a blind-effect. Not a good enough one for the writers, but a good enough one for the scientists. Because while humans were writing off vampires, shapeshifters, seelkies, and the like off as a work of the imagination, those traits existed right under our noses. The aliens showed up and immediatley began to point these traits out. Someone with a recessive trait for extended life, not much just a few decades past a normal expectancy, and with unusual speed and agility due to their blood quality and flow. Someone with a natural ability to shift into any role or impression, due to their heightened scenses and their genetically special voicebox. Someone who had an unlocked gene that allowed them to breathe fire, who coincidentally worked as a fire-eater at a local ren faire. But all of these traits were overshadowed by the showstopping discovery. The placebo effect, our dreams, the Mandela effect, Deja Vu, and many other "unexplainable" occurances were not just weird human quirks. They were a sixth sense. According to the scientists, human's weird anomolies and even weirder evolution meant that we developed an unsteady connection to the time and space continuum. We evolved so fast compared to other creatures, and we evolved on a planet of radiation and poisionous gases and the like. Our psycis couldn't handle it. Our bodies couldn't handle it. And all that access interaction and adaption manifested in a collective conciousness that allows us to interact and even alter the course of time and space. Theyre calling it the Probability Sense. Essentially, the new sense creates a rift in time and space-more of a bridge than a rift actually- and it puts millions of multiversal possibilities at our fingertips. What we do with it, however, isn't up to the scientists. Its up to the colllective 9 billion of us. I've seen spreaddit posts, political speeches, scientific papers, and warnings from other alien races much much farther away, all debating and arguing for different uses. War, peace. Progress, historical insight. Connection with other aliens, isolationism. Strict regulations, Unfettered exploration. Not one person seems to agree. So? Now we've met aliens. Now we all have superpowers. The Question is: What are you going to do about it?
I once got lost in the forrest when I was a kid. We lived in the woods and I had been walking for an hour when I realized I didn’t know how to go back home. We didn’t have cellphones at that time and the compass I brought with me didn’t seem to be working. No matter where I turned to, it was always pointing in my own direction.
I figured out I should just take a guess and walk forwards until I found a place where I could ask someone to call my parents. Chances are I would be unable to walk in a straight line and end up where I came from. I didn’t. I walked straight back home. My parents called that a miracle.
When I was in high school, we started getting computing classes to get use to this new technology. I always seemed to be creating the most ridiculous bugs that had never been seen before. At some point, whenever I touched the computer, it froze or something else went wrong. My teacher joked saying I had “magnetism.”
I realized it was true the day I met her. We were literally attracted to each other, like some kind of force was leading me into her arms. As soon as I touched her, nothing could ever bring us appart. She felt the same way. That girl too had been dealing with issues related to magnetism. I was her negative and she was my positive. I guess opposite attracts. We were two magnets meant to find each other.
Unruly tulips grow from my heart. The unconscious trauma of a love being ripped apart...
I tried to block it out, that ungodly sound of night. But it crept up my spine anyway. Freeze framing time in my unkempt dreams. Faded, as the poetry settled upon my tongue. Evolving passions from the canvas of my crooked hands. Oh, rid me of daylight's folly. Mock my visions, my reality. Grit and crawl until my bloods come undone. Crazy, chasing nightmares around my pillows. I tried to runaway. To keep the night from corroding my skin. But it swallowed my shadow in millions of bundled tears...
Sight, touch, taste, sound and smell. The five senses that every less evolved human possesses. Many still posses only those five but many more have chosen to evolve.
There used to be a lot of talk about ghosts and the supernatural and psychics—people who could communicate with it, who could see it, talk to it. People were obsessed with the spiritual world just beyond our control, and they held this belief that to be able to interact with it was a feat in and of itself. A sixth sense.
And maybe they were right, but with all the talk going on back then about consciousness and the soul vs. the brain, it made you wonder if the really remarkable thing was that we could interact with that world or with this one.
I suppose there was just as much push back against that sense as there was about the one most of us have now. A lot of people are wary about worlds they can’t see, which is ironic considering how many people were willing to jump on a boat and sail to new lands they didn’t even know existed and claim them as their own. How many more jumped into a shuttle and were willingly launched into space to try and survive on planets we weren’t even sure we could.
But I suppose if you can see it and touch it—if you can feel its ground beneath your feet, if you can smell the salt from the ocean or the dirt from the rocks and you can taste it in the air—it’s a whole other story than if you can just see it. If you can feel it and experience it and be in it even though it shouldn’t exist, it isn’t enough.
It’s not enough to render a reality completely separate from the physical and spiritual world so you can walk through ancient civilizations, find lost cities, restore desecrated tombs, so you are right in the middle of cities and countries hundreds of thousands of miles away from you.
It’s not looking at a picture and thinking about what it would be like to walk through the streets of Italy or drive down a London road.
It’s not reading about the lost city of Atlantis and theorizing about how it got to be underwater or what a gladiator match would have looked like in the Colosseum of Rome.
It is doing and experiencing and living all of those things! It is virtual reality minus the dumb headset and the inability to really interact with anything.
Some people don’t see it as anything but artificial and they are right, in a sense.
We were born with five senses, not six. Five to interact with the world and make sense of the reality we live in.The sixth we manufactured for ourselves as a way to truly get the most out of life. There was never going to be a way that we could see and experience everything that there ever was and that there ever would be. Time separated us from so many places and so many cultures.
It was circumstantial, people never would have been able to do everything because they couldn’t, either physically or financially. With the sixth there is no circumstance that would ever have to stand in your way ever again. Not after finding a way to pay for it, that is. Technology like this doesn’t come free.
The microchip was designed and developed to be seamlessly integrated into the human brain to allow its owners to use the digital world to interact with our own world in a way that we never had before. It can completely tear down barriers and give you any of the five senses you hadn’t had before.
It is creation in its purest form. It is bending reality to put yourself in the place that you have always wanted and getting to interact with it. It takes everything humans have ever learned about anything and uses all the facts and data we have on a topic to create a completely authentic rendering of things we never otherwise would have seen.
But there are still those that think it’s unnatural. They think that for the five senses most humans are born with and the paranormal “sixth sense” that some seem to possess when it comes to sensing danger or something on a plane just out of reach—that gut instinct—are the true senses, because that is what we were given at birth.
What we created was not. It’s a choice and it’s unnatural.
They don’t think it’s a sixth sense, they think it’s a sick one.
As a humans we all have 5 senses what if you had 6 or even 7 What would it be Well I believe that we all have 6 or 7 senses some are luckier than others some people can see and hear spirts Some people see visions some people can see what's going to happen in the future Some people know how they're gonna die So how many senses do you have I can tell you I have 6
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