Writing Prompt
I stand on a gigantic boat, filled with people. Lights buzzed everywhere in the moonlight, pink, purple, blue, green, and yellow. My orange dress dragged across the wooden deck. “Hey, Emily! What time is it,” I yelled at my friend. Emily had a green dress, matching her headband clashing with her brown hair. She was at a bar laughing with some slim man. She Brought out her crimson phone, cracked from years of use. It read 12:00. The boat rocked a bit, making her stomach lurch. Then she heard someone scream, “ICEBERGE GET TO THE SAFETY BOATS!” I ran. Ran with all the force in my body. But I was too late. I saw Emily on a boat with her boys. I smiled. She would live. The Titanic sank. When the water hit me it felt like a million knives were stabbing me, from the cold. I couldn't swim. I slowly sank. Then the world went black.
Meet me in the forest, Where the trees politely make way for us, And the moonlight shimmers down on our skin, We’ll feel ethereal, magical.
We can talk, we can dance, The sharp grass being gentle on our feet, Our sweet giggles springing from the trees, As the crickets chirp us a sweet tune.
If you meet me at the forest, We can lie in the greenery side by side, Marveling at the sparkles in the dark sky, Then marveling at each other.
Our hands clasp each other’s without notice, Making my heart flutter, Our blush gleaming as bright as the fireflies, As we both lean in closer…
Meet me in the moonlight, Because there we’ll feel ethereal, There we’ll feel content, There we’ll be together.
I stand numbly in the freezing air. The cold wind taunts me, brushing my skin with the sting of winter. My cheeks must be red, irritated. The sky might be beautiful, moonlight cast through the bare branches above, if I was looking at anything. But I’m not, really. I’m not looking at anything. My body belongs to a faded statue, rooted to the ground in the middle of the night. I feel the snow throw its weight over me, over the ground, over the barren dirt and my stone shoulders. The night stands still as I wait, alone. Wait for something to take me away. Tell me that it’s okay. I wait for the world to stop turning, to do anything that would resemble the way it is inside my chest. The way my fingers are stiff at the side of my leg. I don’t move, but it keeps on. The wind keeps turning. The snow keeps falling so gently that I want to scream and tear it down out of the sky, but I don’t. I roll my gray eyes to the clouds and stare at nothing.
Droplets of water cascaded down the window pane, each droplet seeming to have a race with another. Her eyes were fixed on the white cross in the window as she tried to push down her feelings. Nothing could have prepared her for the waves of emotions that attacked her heart repeatedly. “It’s like I was nothing to him.” Violet choked out through the uneasy breaths. Tyler sat silently next to Violet as he did his best to keep her company. Everything in him ached to give her a hug but he didn’t want to push her over the edge, more than she already had been. Tyler simply nodded his head in some sort of understanding. “Like how could he even do this to me?! I had been so good to him. I did everything right, made all the meals for him when he asked, treated him with respect and kindness… and this is what I get?!” Violet’s voice cracked as images danced around her head of her now ex-partner with another woman. “I don’t know V, what I do know is that he is a horrible man and apparently a blind one at that,” Tyler huffed. Earlier that day, William ended their year and a half relationship over a foolish reason. Violet couldn’t wrap her head around what she did wrong. William had told her that he wasn’t happy with her anymore and found her repulsing- that she didn’t have a model shaped body… whatever that meant. Shortly after her world crashed down, she called her best friend, Tyler. He had always been there for her regardless of the situation- always reliable. “Thank you Ty… I just don’t understand…” Her defeated mutters were no more than a mere whisper as tears soon blended in with the beads of water on the window, each one racing to the finish line. The young woman scooted towards Tyler and leaned her head on his shoulder. She just needed a hug or some type of physical touch to ground her. Her arms hung around Tyler’s waist, her mind clouded with emotions. He cracked a small smile and held her tight, finally knowing it had been okay to hold her. Violet inhaled deeply, trying to calm her nerves and heart down. Earthy and musky scents greeted her nose and slowly her nerves began to unwind. Tyler hummed softly and rubbed small circles on her back, something he had done anytime she got upset. “Hey… V?” “Yea?” “Can I be honest with you?” A small nod had been the only response. “It pains me to see you like this and I care about you deeply…. Nevermind today is not the day I need to say this. Are you sleepy?” Tyler sighed. “Huh… oh sorta I guess. Today has been long,” Violet nuzzled his chest. This is where she felt the safest- in the arms of her best friend. Her fingers fumbled with the bottom of his shirt which helped to ground her to the intimate moment. Tyler pulled her off of him and guided her back to her beige pillow. He pulled her white comforter over her body before he got up to turn off the bedside lights. Violet didn’t take her eyes off of him. A twinge of something pulled at her heart, almost as if to tell her something- only she was too exhausted to pay attention to it. The moonlight luminated the room and casted shadows along the walls. Tyler sat on the edge of the bed next to Violet as he hummed a small tune to her. Her eyelids began to grow heavy with tiredness and fighting it had been very difficult. “Don’t worry… I’m not going anywhere Violet, I’ll be right here when you wake up.” Tyler’s gentle voice trailed after her as she met the dreamscape waiting for her.
When I exited the clearing, I was met with the strangest, most exquisite sight I had ever seen. At first, I thought the light beyond the river was coming from a hut, but then I realised the light was, in fact, a figure. A girl kneeling on the forest floor beyond the river. At least, that was where I thought she was. But no, she was sitting on top of the water, her red and white robe spread out and floating delicately on the water’s surface.
The expression she wore mirrored the surprise of my own.
For a moment, neither of us moved. Was she a ghost? Despite the white glow, I was certain she was, in fact, corporeal. I blinked, and suddenly, she was gone from the river, peering around a nearby tree like a kid playing hide-and-seek. The river was still rippling, the only indication that she had, in fact, been sitting on its surface only moments before.
Watching her long white hair flowing in the windless night brought me back to my original conclusion: She must be a ghost. She watched me carefully, and I decided to sit along the river bank and watch her back. I didn’t want the moment to end, for whatever dream I was having to disappear into the night. That, and I still wasn’t sure what exactly I was looking at.
She stepped, not glided, I noted, out from behind the tree and walked towards the river. When she reached it, she carried on walking. Each delicate step like a skipped stone on the river’s surface.
As she drew closer, I realised her white hair wasn't at all indicative of her age, and she appeared to be as curious of me as I was of her. It was plain to see in her big, bright blue eyes.
Soon, she was standing only a couple of feet in front of me. I stood up just as she sat down, and when I sat, she stood.
I stood up again.
“Are you a ghost?”
“A what, sorry?” she asked in a voice as clear as day. So much threw me off in that moment.
“A-Are you a ghost? You know… Dead. A spirit?”
She offered no further explanation, and I was too confused to say anything else.
“What’s your name?” I finally asked, cringing before the words even fully left my lips.
“Tsukiko,” she answered simply. “You’re somewhat…shorter than I expected. I wasn’t sure it was you,” she said after another awkward silence.
“What?” was apparently all I could manage to say.
She took a step forward, engulfing me in a powerful, radiant warmth. I noticed her feet were bare. She cocked her head as she peered at me. She grabbed my hand, turning my wrist upwards. The leaf tattoo glowed with a pulsating light. She must be connected to the crystal in the Luna cave I had found earlier. Had I set her free?
“It's you alright,” her soft voice broke me out of my reverie, and I became aware of how close she was. Instinctively, I took a step back, and she smiled and rose into the air.
“I’ll see you soon,” she said before floating higher and higher and finally disappearing in a flurry of pure white feathers that rained down around me. I didn’t remember seeing any wings.
I reached out to grab one of the feathers, a smile spreading across my face.
She’s perfect. And she will bring me all the fame I’ve ever dreamed of.
I was in an empty parking lot. The moon shone onto me. There were no street lights, just the moonlight. And me. I walked into the middle of the parking lot. I was in my pink Quinceanera dress. It was midnight, and I managed to escape with my dress for a bit. Since it was midnight, my birthday was yesterday. I started to dance, laughing with myself. This was was just what I needed. After a few minutes, I stopped to take a breath. Just out of the corner of my eye, I could see a 6 foot figure. I couldn’t see his face though. “Hey!” I yelled slowly approaching. He suddenly ran away. That was probably enough time outside alone. Atleast I thought I was alone. I ran back home hoping to never see him again.
I don’t understand why I’m doing this. I just feel like I need to talk to her, explain myself. I breath in, grabbing the cold door knob and entering the dark room.
The door squeaks as I step in. Laying on the hospital bed is a girl. The girl. Ever since the crash that I caused she’s been asleep.
I hold onto the edge of the door, resting my cheek on the rough wood. She looks so peaceful, like the princess in Sleeping Beauty. Only she’ll wake up to a tragic world, not a prince.
I sigh, letting go of the door and walking up to her. The only sound is a small machine beeping rhythmically on the side of the bed.
I hover over the end of the bed. The moon shines through the glass and directly onto her. Making her golden hair seem to glow.
I inch closer to her, afraid that she may wake up. I bet when she sees me she’ll know what I’ve done.
I lower myself into the chair that’s placed next to her. Scooting it, across the floor. It squeaks loudy, making me shut my eyes.
I keep my eyes closed trying to think of what I need to say. What I want to say. I’m sure she can’t hear me but maybe she can feel me. It’s a weird feeling but just because it feels strange doesn’t mean it’s not still there.
“I . . .” My voice cracks. “I’m sorry.” I mumble.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
I stay silent for a few minutes like she’ll magically answer. Or apologize. Which is probably way farther off the charts then her recovering and waking up.
“I know you’re thinking that I’m a monster and I should be the one that died,” I pause, blinking tears away. “And I agree with you one hundred percent.”
I scoot the chair up to the edge of her bed, leaning down next to her. “This is crazy.” I mutter under my breath, my lips inches away from her ear. “But I’m going to make it up to you.”
I sit up striaght, my eyes falling down to her hand. It’s so pale, and almost lifeless.
I reach out, grabbing her hand and holding it tightly between mine.
“I’m not going to just pretend like I never crashed into you.” I put my other hand on hers, closing my eyes. “Because in a way I lost my life. I can’t be me anymore . . . Because I’ve changed, even though it’s only been a couple of days. I’ve changed.”
I sigh, as a single tear falls down my cheek. “I want to fix my mistake. And I can’t . . . I haven’t failed a math test or accidently broke my mom’s china. I’ve killed someone.” My voice tremebles as I look down at her hand. Rubbing my thumb across her knuckles.
“I’m not abandoning you.”
under the cover of the dark my skin bathed in pretty moonlight i closed his door behind me just as i did every night
his wife, she works the long shift leaving him alone with the moon but she doesn’t know that i’m there it’s something that i shouldn’t do
but you haven’t seen that man haven’t seen his way with words i’ve loved him all my life but they’ve been married for most of hers
he tells me she’s evil tells me he’d leave her if it weren’t for the kids and that wretched money fever
leave the perfume in the cabinet he bought me for my twenty third can’t take the risk she’d smell it oh, what lines we’ve blurred
but you haven’t seen my man i guess he’s not really mine but he’s led me to moral ambivalence each time we go out and dine
i have his affections i suppose but that woman i still envy she had him in the legal sense before i even turned twenty
while i go home and cry mascara running down my cheek their kids run to her oh, i feel so weak
but i wouldn’t have it any other way my waking days so listless it’s a long and lonely life being her man’s mistress
She was woven from the threads of moonlight
Pale skin, gleaming silver eyes, and cascading raven hair
She was the maiden of stars
Soaring across constellations with wings of glitter
But she was broken
Sitting in the depths of her home, the moon
Watching the world laid out before her like a bejeweled rug
She longed for love
For passion
She was lonely
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