Writing Prompt
Write a short horror story that DOESN'T involve murder, psychopaths, or paranormal activity.
Think about what other themes make captivating horror writing.
Not Zombiler apartmanı Dış kapının önündesiniz. Etrafa göz gezdirdiğinizde sağınızda, solunuzda bir canlı göremiyorsunuz. Kapıyı açıp usulca içeri giriyor ve dış kapının kapanma sesiyle birden irkiliyorsunuz. Koridorda ilerlerken çıt çıkmıyor; ölüm sessizliğini iliklerinize kadar hissediyorsunuz. Yavaş yavaş merdivenlerden çıkarken, bir ses ya da bir nefes duyma umuduyla basamakları tırmanıyorsunu...
“I’ve told you a million times already! How many more times do I have to retell the TRUTH?!” Ian yelled as he hit the metal table in the interrogation room. The female officer in the corner grabbed her gun in the holster on her hip, putting the other hand up. “Sir, I need you to calm down!” She yelled.
The detective in front of Ian looked at her, “step out Officer Danali.” She looked at hi...
The telly crackles as he takes to the stage.
Even if the people has spoken, my anger rages.
His glow and his smirk implicates that it’s time for revenge.
I can’t help but dreading that I’m no longer safe.
The telly goes black and I stare at my reflection.
Black, curly hair and a more liberal stance on life.
That makes me a target for the next four years....
I can feel the cold sweat dripping on the back of my neck as she stares us down from the front center of the room. Her face is pale and cold, graying blonde hair pulled tight into a severe bun, pointed finger ready to press the dreaded button. My heart rate builds and my face scrunches in a fierce panic. God, all I wanted was to have a fun Halloween. How is it that I ended up here?
People aro...
Peter awoke in a long hallway. It stretched as far as his eye could see, and the end of it was shrouded by shadows. The walls were pure white; the air smelled crisp and clean; the floor beneath his feet was smooth, perfect.
It unnerved him.
He couldn’t seem to move, either, so he was stuck there, staring at the hallway, waiting for something to launch at him from the darkness.
But it never came...
I don’t know how long I’ve been here.
It’s dark. That’s all I can say about it.
No windows. No light. No sound.
The room is damp. Always is.
I don’t know how long I’ve been in here.
My mind swirls and flares.
The wet smell holds my nose.
How would the world look without eyelids?
I think I already know.
I don’t know how long I’ve been in here.
My mind calls me.
“Lora.. Lora…. LORA…”
The story is about a man the lives in the deep forests by himself for a long time. He was just tired of city and people interaction so 8 years ago he came to this forest. His day to day live was spent by hanging cutting woods collecting herbs and preparing for the winter. However this winter was special, too cold snow were falling almost everyday, wind was very strong, strong anough to even brake ...
I woke up to flashing lights, which was odd, because I don’t wake easily. There were blurry shapes of firefighters, fully clad in fire gear, milling about on the street below. I rushed to my brothers room, flinging his door open.
“I think there’s a fire, let’s go!” He, still quite groggy, grabbed his to-go bag, and I ran upstairs to warn my parents, too. I shook them awake and pulled back the curt...
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