Writing Prompt
The drinks had been flowing all night. Jason had taken part in many of the festivities to include the drinking of a copious amount of alcohol. He stood around and watched as other people hooked up with other people and made their way out to their cars. He wished that he had someone to go home with, but he had never had much luck with the opposite sex, that is until he met Margie. “Hey there Jason, are you alright?” Margie asked. Jason looked at the Margie’s in front of him. He had double vision due to all the alcohol he had drank. He weaved back and forth trying to focus on one of them and slurred “I’mmm alll right I guess.”. Margie laughed at him and grabbed his hand, “I’ll get you home. You are lucky I don’t drink.” She went to the room where the jackets were kept grabbing both hers and the one Jason picked as his and took him out to her car. “This isn’t myyy carrrr.” Jason said as she slid him into the passenger seat, “We can come back and get your car tomorrow. I don’t know where you live so I’m just going to take you to my place, you can sleep in the extra room or on the couch.”. She belted herself in and pulled out away from the curb. Margie turned some music on and started to sing along, “My car is one big Karaoke machine.”, she said as she tapped the steering wheel and sang along to the band Journey on the radio. She looked at Jason in the passenger seat just to make sure Jason was still alright and continued on her way home with her new guest. When she made it home, she pulled her car into her driveway and took Jason into the house in the side door. She got him into the house where he stumbled around and fell down a few times before she was able to get him into the room. Flipping on the light she placed him on the bed and got him settled down. She wanted to keep an eye on him just to make sure he was alright and pulled a chair up to sit and watch him along with a trash can just in case he got sick. She sat for about two hours and watched him and when she was sure he was alright she went to the closet and grabbed some cuffs for his ankles and wrists. She shackled him so he wouldn’t get out and wander around, turned off the lights and closed the door. The next morning Jason woke up and tried to move but he was unable to. He tried to yell but he had a gag in his mouth and was unable to make a sound. Fear flowed through his veins and then he saw the door open. “Hey there sleep head. How are you feeling?” Margie asked with a big smile on her face, “Mmmmm…. mmmm.”, was all Jason could say. “Don’t worry you will be ok, I’ll take care of you, so you don’t do anything like that again.”, she ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead before she closed the door. No one every saw Jason again and Margie was happier than she had ever been, she now had a new boyfriend and would take good care of him. She was glad she saw the party going on and stopped in to find herself a new boyfriend and told him “Let’s Go.”
The smell of vomit inches up my nose as the partygoers mill around in my house. The party ended almost two hours ago, but nobody’s left. Milly leaves the small utility room looking shaken, she glances in my direction and gives me a pained smile, just as a policeman gestures for me to follow him.
I trail after him, stepping over a puddle of sick, into the same room Milly just left. I sit down on an upturned basket, each hand caressing the other. My heartbeats are fast and loud, the erratic beats doing nothing to ease my anxiety. “This was your party?” The policeman asks, with a sympathy that surprises me. I glance up at him, “Yeah,” the words come out as a whisper. “Your parents know ‘bout it?” his eyes meet mine. “They were both on a work trip.” I break eye contact and look at my shoes, “Do you think we have to tell them?” He sighs, and looks at the tumble dryer, “This just isn’t something that can be hidden.” His sincerity is disarming. I look up, he can’t be much older than I am, 5 years age difference. Max. He’s a handsome guy. Defined jawline, fluffy brown hair, pretty brown eyebrows rest above pretty green eyes. Yes, handsome guy. “We need a list of everybody who came here. Right now, they’re all suspects.” The trance is broken. “I invited a few people I know, but it spiralled out of control, there’s a lot of people who I only recognise by face. A few people I’ve never seen.” I try to meet his eyes, but they remain firmly on the wall behind me. His eyes flick down to mine, before flitting away. He licks his lips, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. I lean forward and stroke his knee. He looks down, shocked, but doesnt stop it. I get a little braver, scooting my hand up his thigh. He takes my hand and I lead him into the cold night air.
I drag him to the side of the house, where nobody will see us. I press my lips against his, putting my arms around his neck. He doesn’t move, doesn’t react, just stands there. Until I feel him push against me, push me away. “No, Jesus, what am I doing? I shouldn’t do this somebody was murdered, don’t you understand? Somebody was killed inside your house,” he looks me in the eyes, “This is my first case and instead of solving it I’m here with one of our suspects. Do you not understand how stressed I am?” His chest is heaving, he’s just venting now. “I need to get back in there,” he turns away and leans against the wall, closing his eyes. That’s a shame. I was hoping to have some fun before I realised I was missing my soul. I reach my hands to his neck slowly. He turns around to face me, just as I reach for his throat. In one practised move his neck is snapped. His body crumples to the ground. The after party, I realise, is just getting started…
The music died down hours ago. Everyone had left, and she gave the command for guards to dissemble, too. It probably wasn't the smartest idea – telling the people whose job is to protect you to just go away _right after _the coronation ceremony.
But Glimmer doesn't care. She was tired, and way too overwhelmed to handle the rhythmic sound of heavy boots behind the door as armed servants walked across the corridors.
The queen hadn't acknowledged the other person in the room as she walked closer, only noticing her presence when hands were placed on Glimmer's shoulder, and a careful smile followed. An unspoken question, wondering if she's okay.
She is, probably. It's hard to say with everything going on.
Glimmer sighs, giving an exhausted chuckle in return. Adora tilted her head, catching the emotion. Without knowing what else to do, she leaned even closer, bringing their foreheads together – just like she did right after they escaped alternate reality. Right after… Glimmer closes her eyes, hoping to forget everything for only just a moment. It's quiet. It's familiar. It's safe.
It's only a few seconds before she lifts her hands, locking them behind Adora's neck and pulling her closer for a desperate hug. The princess squeals in surprise, but quickly snaps out of it, moving her hands from the queen's shoulders to embrace her in return.
Glimmer hears Bow's voice somewhere in the distant hallway, not quite catching the words. She can hear Castaspella too, speaking in a quiet, empathetic voice. She only hides her face in the crook of Adora's neck, trying to breathe steadily.
She doesn't want anything to do with that. Not right now. Not after everything.
This whole party – the one that is supposed to be some happy event – wrapped around her heart too tightly. The implications of the future are too much to think about.
They part a minute later, and Adora looks around, noticing that the room is now completely empty. Soft flames dance on burned down candles, flashing last patches of light on the white marble floor.
She looks back at Glimmer, their gaze locking.
– If you need more time to process everything, I could go to my room tonight? No one will bother you. – Adora proposed quietly.
– No, – Glimmer answered instantly, clenching her hands around Adora's arm. Adora gave her an uncertain look, clearly sensing that Glimmer is not, in fact, okay. It's not like she was trying to hide it anyway.
Adora nodded slowly, her gaze drifting to the castle windows. Evening moon is already setting down, its last shining rays fading into deep, foggy blue of starless night.
– Being alone right now is definitely the last thing I would want. And besides, – The queen chuckled. – You moved your bed out of your room like ages ago, where would you sleep?
Adora looked away, the guilty expression that meant she was hiding something slipping onto her face.
– Adora, you weren't thinking about sleeping on the floor, were you? – Glimmer catches on instantly. Adora lets out a defeated whine.
– …Well, maybe. I know you don't like it, but what's the big deal anyway? It's normal practice in the Horde, to prepare soldiers for any conditions. I mean, I was fine, but I guess-
– And what did we say about preparing soldiers? – Glimmer interrupted, voice firm but encouraging.
Adora sighed, mumbling the words she heard so many times:
– We don't do that in Brightmoon, everyone deserves to live in the best conditions…
– That’s right, – Glimmer nodded. – And you're not supposed to sacrifice your needs for others.
Adora's gaze dropped to the floor, and for a long moment, she said nothing. Glimmer hesitated before speaking up her next words, but thought it could worth the risk. So she proceeded, voice getting quieter:
– Listen. I just don't want to feel more alone than I am already. And… I know you don't either._
Adora flinched at the reminder, looking away quickly. Glimmer didn't need to explain what she meant; the implication was clear. They haven't talked about what happened between her and Catra, but they didn't need to. Glimmer can see the consequences of that linger for the past few days – that fight in the portal, and the feeling of being completely _alone _in that struggle, which seems to be stuck in Adora's hollow, forced smile.
Glimmer somehow managed a smile, despite the depth of it all. She knows how that feels now. Losing someone who once felt irreplaceable, someone who you thought would be here forever. Adora did a great job of distracting her, even if unintentionally, and right now it was helping more than ever; otherwise she would be locked in her room right now, crying and refusing to attend the coronation or any other so-called "party". She just wishes she could do the same for Adora.
Wind howls from the outside, sending the candlelights into another dance – the last one for tonight. As the blaze fades, leaving a faint smell of smoke behind, Glimmer pauses, breathing in the cool air of a new day, finally taking a step away from the room. She didn't have the perfect words to make Adora feel better – she never could – but she knew what to offer: her presence. She never liked being alone.
– Come on, – She says, sliding her palm into Adora's and leading her out of the room. – Let's go rest. We don't have to be left alone with _that _just yet.
We were Dunkin’ Our donuts And the coffee shop music was funkin’ And groovin’ We were lookin’ left and right hitting those moves Like we got nothing left to loose But all good things must come to an end It was closing time But in no time we packed it up And took it outside behind the Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee runnin’ in our veins Eyes a bit glossy and mouths a bit frothy From the powdered sugar donut holes We were getting crazy but we actually did is a bit hazy But one thing I know is the police showed up And we had a dance off and we wiped the floor with those cops like they were mops We ate donuts, cinnamon rolls and that dance up for breakfast.
The night in Smallerville is usually quiet at midnight. Of course, it isn’t now, and the civilians are probably pissed at the commotion going on outside of the local bar.
But I don’t know; maybe they’re all sleeping peacefully now? I sip at the water in my cup, and watch my chums make a fool of themselves to the ladies. Rayburn’s around the building pissing in a bush, so I don’t really have any thing else to do until he decides he wants to leave.
I’m drinking water for a reason: to take him home safely.
Bram laughs loudly at something his woo says and then yells, “Come on, everybody, we’ll continue this party of at my house, who’s with me!”
There is a drunk uproar before everyone is making their ways to their bikes and automobiles. Kip comes up beside me and bumps my shoulder.
“You coming, Oz, or are you staying with that twig of yours?”I growl at his words, causing him to laugh with that red, bulging face of his.
“I’m joking, lad,” Kip chuckles, patting my back, “But if you still want Rayburn’s arse for yourself, you may want to get Jasper to back away. Seems like he went to go see Rayburn piss.”
My eyes go wide at his words. Jasper, that rich little leech. Rayburn doesn’t like him much anyway, but in the drunken state he’s in…. “Goodnight, Kip!”
Kip waves. “Try not to break his bones, Oz, we wouldn’t want you going to jail!”
That party was something else. I tried to hold in my liquor to the best of my ability, but it seems that I failed quite miserably in that regard.
“Ugh, my head.”
Anyway, a good piss ought to clear my head a bit. You know, in comes the liquid, out goes the liquid.
I blink my groggy eyes as I pull down my fly. “By God, I really am drunk.
After I finish, I run my hands against my trousers and turn to go find Oswald. The boy was right, he is indeed going to have to take me back home. I sure as hell can’t walk myself there; I could but I believe that I would pass out on the dirt road before I even made it halfway there.
As I’m about to turn the corner of the building, I am stopped by a large hand that pushes me back.
“Jasper,” I gasp, “What are you doing?!”
He puts a finger to his mouth and takes a glance behind him. “Shh, it won’t be long before that lap dog of yours comes to find you, and I have something to say.”
I steel myself and cross my arms. I’m too tired for this. Too cold as well. Why is there winter?“Alright.”
Jasper smiles. He’s too good looking for his own good. He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me close, his jade eyes hold my gaze.
“Ah, Rayburn, you truly are something else,” he whispers, then he closes his eyes and leans in.
Wait a minute.
I push him away just as someone else pulls him back.
“The hell do you think you’re doing, Walcott?” Oswald growls, pale oak wrinkled in fury, pulling Jasper in close by his collar.
Jasper answers with a coy smile. “Nothing now, Oswald; since when did we go to last name basis?”
“When you tried to kiss Rayburn. That’s when.” Oswald lets go of Jasper’s shirt and pushes him away. Jasper tries to take the shove, but ends up falling into the dirt anyway. I laugh at the angry sight, causing Oswald to look at me with concern.
He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. I allow him to lift me up and cradle me in his arms. I’m too tired to care at the moment. I’ll chide him for it later.
I lay my head against his warm chest and close my eyes.
By God, my head hurts.
I’m knocking on the door_ _Rayburn’s aunt’s farmhouse when he begins to snore. I’ve taken all this time walking to calm myself and not drop Rayburn down and pummel Walcott to a bloody mess. It would do no good. Probably get me in trouble too, but did it really matter…?
“Ray, you mean a lot to me, you know that?”
I’m met with a sharp snort and a drooling mouth. I smile then kiss his head. “Yeah, you know.” I kiss him a few more times on the same stop before the door opens and I walk inside.
“Hey, Miss Florence! How are you?” I shift Rayburn’s thin, limp body around so I can give her a side hug.
She’s in her night gown and her eyes are drooping, but she seems happy to see me, dispite the late time.
“Ah, Oswald,” she yawns, “You back with him already? Thought you two would have stayed together for longer.”
What does she mean by that? I ask her and she just waves it away.
“I just thought that—nevermind. I’m going back to bed, goodnight.”
_**Oswald and I are two peas in a pod. Whether I like it or not, he’s going to stay with me together.
But I never said I hated it.
Most_ _of my dreams feature the two of us in that nearby meadow. I sketch on my pad, and he watches me with his large smile.
But now, I am having a strange dream. Oswald is no where to be found, but I am here in the meadow.
I fear that this is not what I think it is.
_**I know I shouldn’t be in his bed with him, but when I saw him frowning so deeply in his sleep, I couldn’t just leave him. And I really like the way he’s holding on to me right now with his skinny arms. It’s like he’s giving me a hug. Willingly.
I do want to kiss him right now, really kiss him, but I can’t do that to him. Having his consent would be so much more special than kissing him unknowingly. Having his consent means that he feels the same way about me as I to him.
But I know that day will never come. I should probably leave. I will after a few more seconds.
And then he says my name.
“Yes?” I whisper.
“Where are you?” he mumbles, arms tightening.
“Right here, Ray, I’m right beside you.” I lift my arm free from his grip and stroke his cheek.
I feel like I’m making this worse for myself.
“Don’t leave me.” He buries his head into my chest.
Or maybe he is.
I brush my lips against his hair. “I won’t, I think I’d hurt myself if I did.”
_**Ah, early morning. The time for tea and honey toast.
Also it seems to be the time to see your own nephew cuddling with your neighbor’s son.
“Huh.” I already know how Oswald feels about Lanvard, but I didn’t think Lanvard returned those feelings.
I groan, stretching my arms and heading back downstairs. “It’s too early in the morning for this drama.”
(Thank you if you’ve made it this far! This took a while, but I love my characters, sooooo I got it done.)
I’m the friend who doesn’t drink. I wear modest clothes and no one actually calls me by name. They call me the Driver. I here the awful truths that no one else remembers. I work out for the sole purpose of carrying my unconscious friends to the car. And my friends are amazing. They give me gas money and thank me once they aren’t hung over. But still being the driver isn’t the best job to have.
"C'mon, Jules! Just one more shot before you leave?"
I cringe at his words. I hate nicknames.
"I'm good, Caelum. I have to get home." Heading towards the door, I feel an icy hand on my shoulder.
"You're gonna miss the after party. Why don't you stay a moment more?" There's a certain tone to Caelum's voice that's never been there before, and it sends shivers down my spine.
"I really have to-"
"Stay." he says sharply, and I'm suddenly following him back into the living room.
The music has gone quiet, leaving only me, Caelum, Axton, Oliver, and Zade.
I sit down in the circle, wondering why it's so quiet.
"Bring him out." Caelum commands, and I watch in horror as Zade and Axton bring out Casper, hands duct-taped behind his back and a gag in his mouth.
"Let him go-!" I go to shout, only to find that my mouth doesn't move. Neither does my body.
It's like i'm frozen.
So I try to scream.
My body shoots up in bed, covered in sweat.
Another nightmare. Wiping my face, I reach for the glass of water beside my bed, only for my hands to curl around..
duct tape.
(Written like a diary entry)
I just got home from my massive school dance. I start thinking to myself how I regret it so much not because of the dance, but because I donnt make much friend or a boyfriend that year so I was all alone at the party! I regret not putting myself out there more, but then again putting myself out there more is risky. It’s risky because what if I get used by someone or get untrustworthy friends etc! Anyways I’m the idiot here and should learn to communicate better than before.
** PS sincerely Addison Qwerty**
The sun fell down in slices through the blind shutters and pried open my eyelids like the two halves of a walnut.I wish I had closed that blind.I wish Marnie had closed that blind.I wish whoever built this apartment all of those years ago with its stocky uneven floors,spitting drywall and doors imprisoned in lichen had never installed that window.Pain rattles through my skull as I stretch a greedy finger out for my phone,the same phone I told myself I was going to stop checking the other day.Mind you I also said I was going to stop drinking the other day too and I had a suspicion that hadn’t worked out for me either.Rolling around as much as I can to dodge the sun’s fierce rods on my bare bed,I lift the phone above my head and check the time.14:12.Fuck.I’ve always been so disappointed in myself for waking up late.As a child I would wake up at 5:00 on the dot each day (and I still have no idea how) I would creep behind the tallest and broadest white door at the end of the corridor and let myself in,quiet as I could.I would tiptoe,tiptoe,tiptoe on eager footsteps,like some kind of elvish trickster until I could feel my mother’s blanket soft breath stroke the freckles of my cheek.After that,no matter how certain I was that she was asleep,it would only take a matter of seconds for her to smile at me,thoughtfully and dream-entranced.Then her eyes would open and stare at me,the pupils forming heart shaped blobs under her bedside lamp and glowing with whitish glints like pinprick stars against the crumpled black paper of a night sky.My phone beeps in my hand and I almost drop it flat on my face.It’s a notification from Uber asking me to rate them.Honestly,I would but looking at the beacon of green on the notification bar makes me want to throw up.Turning down the brightness I notice that my phone is on 3% the way that it always is when it’s just died and is playing hide and seek with all of my messages.I switch it off,knowing that when I next open WhatsApp the messages will burst through like a dam spilling saltwater into a river