Writing Prompt


Submitted by CuteChaos


Write a poem centered around this word.


Three Stories About Bears

Rolf's Story- It was... tolerable weather outside. Nothing special, of course, for it was the middle of March, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the storms a few weeks ago.

I suppose you'd want a bit of backstory. Call me Rolf.

Modern life was killing me, man. I couldn't bear another day with _phones _or television. So I went to life in the mountains. For a profession... I guess you could say I'm a spy. Not, like, in the big-city all fancy way, but I like to watch my fellow people from the top of my triangle.

That's basically it.

So, anyways, after hunting a bit of game I saw this huge bear. Proper came up to me and everything. At first, I wasn't worried, but it let out this massive roar. I screamed. I started to run back, but it just wouldn't stop. I dropped some of my supplies, and then it grabbed on and wouldn't let go to my bag. I was now proper terrified. I yelled out, and just for one second wished that I didn't pick a life of a hermit. Just for a second, though.

Olaf's Story- Today, the weather was rather cold. I didn't feel like going on a hike today, but I needed to get the steps in. I got out my map, and though that the mountain would be a nice place to go. I heard that there's somebody who lives up there. Poor man, living all on his own.

So, about half an hour in, I begin to hear this weird screech coming from the bushes. I ponder, for it must be a small rabbit or marsupial. I shrug it off, and walk on.

A few minutes, I realise that it's getting dark. The fog is so outrageous I can barely see my own hands. I decide to head back now. Walking down, I hear that screech again. It doesn't sound like a small mammal. In fact, the shadows on the tree base tell me that it's something much bigger. I peer over, and to my dismay, I see a small man being attacked by a huge bear!

Al's Story- As mountain-control ranger, it is my duty to protect people who have lost their way on their way up there. Today, It's one of those days that start off sunny and fine, but by the end you wish you were dead. It all started when I saw a flare.

I hoped that it's just something insignificant, like somebody caught in a nettle or something. So, I took my helicopter up to check it out, and to my shock, there was a large bear, standing right below me!

I land and start to decide what to do with this bear. That's when I find out I forgot my tranquilliser. I must have left it at the camp. I stand back, for I have no defence myself. What could happen?

The End- Panicking, Al throws a rock at the bear. This only angries the bear further. It begins to lunge at him, when two figures rise up, one visibly tired and the other in pain. It is Olaf and Rolf. They corner the bear, and leave it in the middle. For anyone of them could sacrifice themself to give enough time for the other one to escape. But who will?

Al is a mountain-control ranger, as Olaf recognises in his badge. This is a high level of authority, and is responsible for saving many lives. Rolf is an advocate for the people stuck in the past- he has shown everyone that a life in the mountains is possible. Olaf takes these into account, and then speaks four very powerful words.

"I will be important."

He then proceeds to lunge at the bear.

Thank you for reading.

Let Your Bravery Roar

The fight for change is all that you crave to gain the freedom and not feel like you’re caged or that your doubts play center stage . Sometime it feels like you’re stuck in a cave as you build up the courage to stand up and be brave .

In the shadow a beast waits to feast . Defeating the fear as time draws near . Through the land it moves with a plan . To stand and defend , against your hand .

A fierce interaction , a great interruption of the peace , a powerful reaction making you tremble to your core . A lion one simple roar a presence so intense that will make you want to jump over a fence in a second .

You see to become king of a pride you have to learn when to fight to deter the enemy . Soon you’ll find the strength to stand with might .

To claim a throne of a pride , you must learn when to engage to not pick sides at any means . But confront each competition with rage to rip out the page of fear to be brave in the face of danger .

Besides it was never taught to win a battle as it stood and faught with battle scar to prove . Maybe that doesn’t sound bizarre the wounds it carry can be seen from afar .

How love still shines through a beast we dread , isn’t it quite clear instead ? They roam the land to survive , despite the hardship to thrive they take each step with bravery in their stride .

Find your voice to rejoice in the choice to find your roar to explore .

The road to success isn’t addressed by the surrounding but by the way you walk the path to determine your destination .