Writing Prompt
nature and stuff
open skies beckon in something broader tidal waves push seashells on and offshore the coastal sand longs for the taste of seawater the shining moon wishes to be something more
the trees are bare as the leaves flitter down the bluebirds and their songs are long gone the squirrel’s acorn resembles your crown the grass is greenest in the forest’s own lawn
Let Me Have This
Open skies beckon in something broader A universe beyond our atmosphere
Clear fields call out to something stronger The land that we’ve betrayed with those buildings yonder
Oh what cries can be heard for the lust of adventure What sounds echo loudly for the desire to wander I am lost for a reason I’ll be found when it’s time For now I’m immersed in a world so divine
Don’t wake me up.
Fractal Fissures Of The Firmament
Open skies beckon in something broader. Would that that pale Carolina blue Would crack and tremble Beyond the midday hue And the clouds that daily assemble.
Open skies beckon in something broader. A wide dark cut with the light from a billion stars… This can’t be all there is. World weary and sore like all these old scars… Where somewhere, somewhere out there ideas still fizz.
Open skies beckon in something broader. Something that fizzes and pops and sizzles in the far dark Awful and bright and breathtaking, prodigious Something that from that broken sky might disembark Awesome and terrible and, like a thousand broken mirrors, auspicious
Take A Moment
Open skies beckon in something broader. I can feel it as the wind whips past me. This whispers, secrets and prayers it carries weigh it down, making it heavy and dense.
The grasses sway and lay flat against the rich earth in which it grows.
The creek burbles and glistens in the golden hour light that burns in the afternoon sky.
I breathe in tandem with the setting of the sun. Arms stretched high to meet the clouds and the approach of purple and indigo in the end of days sky.
Shooting For The Clouds To Hit The Sky
Open skies beckon in something broader. From the flat hills I stood on as a child Bringing in wood for the winter, There was a longing for the skies.
As avid as my aversion for chopping wood. On a trip to town armed with enough coin, Enough for milk from the farmer and stale bread.
On my trip home a machine caught my eye, It had wings bird-like and glided through idle wind, My heart jumped as did the machine. The man called it an ‘updraft’ that kept birds up.
Running my way home I set the items on the table, Taking fathers axe I ran, excited to chop wood for once. Once down I cut off the branches and carved them, Turning them to what I could remember the machine being.
It took a long time to see the fruits of my labour. And letting it fly as the man’s machine did let my heart sink back to place. Did I mishear or not see what gave it magical flight? Did I- huff, well I’ll just have to try again.
And try I did, again and again and again and again. Until the sun set below the frozen mountain tops And the dark woods encompassing me gre darker. “Boy, get inside before frostbite gets the best of you”.
Leaving my wooden upsets, I came inside. Shivering and sullen faced my father, Exclaiming with the little smile I could. “Father, I want to fly!”
He gave me a look, seeming to eye me up and down. He probably thought I was crazy, “Boy, if the frost got to your calluses, you’d barely be able to eat dinner”. Calluses? Oh the bubbles on my hands?
“Boy, leave flying for tomorrow. Even a sparrow needs to feed” He didn’t really say much about my goal, But his smile and pat on the shoulder gave rise. It let my heart fly tonight so it could soar tomorrow.
On the morrow I left bed and hit the trees once more. Felling them for more of my failed projects, Father seemed fine with my project. As long as he got his wood for the fire.
Time after time. Day by day. Cold evening after cold evening. And then, at once, I saw it glide a bit.
Only for a moment, but a moment was all I needed. What did it? Through the time I spent, I met with the man, The man at town square who I had seen initially.
Pushed myself through the crowd and watched in wonder, I showed him my version and he ruffled my hair. Pulled me in close and let me feel and see the machine. It was less of a machine, and more like a bird.
At home the forest behind our house, had grown a pile of my flaws by the door. But with the man’s new insights, I felt I could fly. And making it so I could.
Pulling my projects through my schooling, Taking them to my jobs at adulthood, I made it, it took engineering, an understanding of physics. But the dream, my dream had come alive.
Peddling with my feed and rolling forward I could feel it, Trying to lift itself up, rocking back and fourth In an attempt to escape the ground.
The rumbling stopped, Sounds of metal rolling and fabric bellowing My eyes nearly came out of my sockets. I looked down in disbelief, but I was beyond it.
Beyond the earth, Beyond the trees and paths. I was in the sky, It felt so broad as if it had no end.
My first flight lasted a total of 15 minutes and 11 seconds. And in those 15 minutes I could’ve died happy. But after landing I took it to comrades for adoption among them. To take my dream and share it with them.
It was slow, and safety made it harder for it to take off, Physically and socially. It took till my twilight years. Children and grandchildren took arms.
In the first commercial flight, I sat in my seat, Looking out my window as if enchanted. The world seemed to bend around the breadth of the skies above.
The Drive
Open skies beckon in something broader Showcasing air that pushes its way into every corner of my lungs Cool, fresh, light but filling Bringing with it hope like waves of positivity radiating through my entire being Natural light from the sun brightens the whitest of clouds some thick like strung cotton balls others airy as cotton candy but all glistening against a crystal blue sky Smoky gray mountains majestically cascade like the backdrop of a portrait for royalty Endless opportunities manifesting in my mind with the energy of completion, wholeness and success. Anything is possible here as the wind caresses my skin Eyes shining, blood flowing, brain creating, life happening Reminding me that I am alive and capable and willing and undeterred Time slows to unfold surprise scenery beside endless road splitting vast lands Winding, unpredictable but leading to that magnificent somewhere where I can’t wait to be Undetermined but pre-destined The quickening in my heart settles as the consistency of the passing trees reminds me of putting one foot in front of the other assuredly continuing my ascent Anticipating my arrival, but grateful for the journey…
What's out there?
Open skies beckon in something broader I'd rather be safe than be someone's fodder But I'll work hard and put myself out there Let those who need them use my words To heal and grow and know it's possible
Cloudy and gray puts me in a haze And I lose count of all the days I sit here in silence not making a sound Just dragging along on repeat While others succeed and fly
But since open skies beckon in something broader I think it's time I do something odder And break from my norm to step out of comfort Sending hope to those below And bring them up with me
Dark Skies
Open skies beckon in something broader, When the moon sings out my name, A smile touches my tear streaked face, But even the stars don’t distract from the darkness
Don’t remind me that the sun will rise, When I can finally see the moon, I know clouds don’t last forever, But that doesn’t mean I didn’t get lost in the shadows
The sky isn’t just a void, And I won’t ignore the stars, But still the truth cannot hide, And with a flashlight I will find it
Stars and moons do make me smile, And the darkness is temporary, So let me fight the dusk in my way, Before you drag me to dawn
A Lookout
Open skies beckon in something broader Standing still atop the steep hill I look below at the seemingly infinite landscape Settled by cows and deer alike
A gusty wind emerges from the east Bringing life to the tall grass, now swaying Birds swiftly glide across the sky I take a breath, eyes focused on the sight The peace I find here is one of a kind