Writing Prompt
Submitted by Ash
Just A Little More
Write a story or poem about a character who is always on a desperate pursuit for more than they have.
New Journey With Sparkles
Is this new journey good enough to be true Will it be decorated with flowers and sparkles And the mercy of the absolute I think it could be true Cause I am doing this for the absolute truth the one with black curly hairs With big lotus like eyes Whose lips are pink like a blossomed flower And his ear are wearing golden rhymes And best of it is the garland around his neck With colourful flowers,beads and petals Can I serve him with what I achieve Will it be special to be true and still Well the question will be answered in the journey God i hope you choose me🙌
To be the Best
TW: implied SH
Did you hear about that snob in your maths class?
You sneaked a look at his paper:
the glaring 99, ink red like a flesh wound,
like his glazed-over, taciturn eyes.
He called it a fail
and, with eyes on the floor,
snapped his rubber band like a whip.
You say the kid's got brains but in that moment
he is skin and skeleton. Ribs
cracked to splinters,
because now that he cannot be perfect,
pretty's second-best.
He's not cut out for beauty,
but if he works himself to the jagged edge
the serrations could carve out a way for him —
To life or to Hades he doesn't know,
but either's okay.
He's drenched himself in hubris—
5180 days of gasping for breath.
He's learnt to breathe in the floods like oxygen,
So now when he chokes on his own expectations
There's comfort in the screaming of his lungs.
If he cannot use the pen that he prides himself in,
and answers stop flowing from his fissured, fevered mind,
can you blame him for turning to sharpeners?
With pointed graphite, he is finally an artist;
He can risk the imperfection if it's underneath his sleeves.
When he dies from his obsession they will call it a disease
But in the end,
This is all he's ever been.
just a little more
just another pound. just another meal. just another cut to prove i can feel.
just a little more sorrow, a little more pain. just another prescription to make me feel sane.
just a little lightheaded, i promise i'm okay, but really it's a battle just to get through each day.
One More Bite
I think I have the opposite of an eating disorder. I see food, I want it, I eat it. I have almost no control of myself. Even when I don’t want it, Even when I’m not hungry. If there’s food, I just… get it. It feels like a physical tug on me, Pulling me to whatever it is. When I get home from school, It’s a strain in my arms, My chest, My skin To not immediately walk to the fridge. And I stop and analyze my stomach. I’m not hungry. I don’t want that food. And I just… Can’t help it. One snack. Then another. And another. And another. Until I’ve had a little bit of everything I like. Until there’s nothing even left for me to eat. Not… eat, exactly. More like nibbling on different foods. Bites. And I always need one more bite. I want to stop. I don’t want to eat that. I want to know I have some ounce of control over myself. I want to wait for dinner Because I don’t even want that food. But then… Just one more bite.
Just A Little More
In a world where shadows dance and dreams collide, There lived a soul consumed by an insatiable tide. A character, lost in the depths of their own despair, Forever seeking more, beyond what was fair.
Driven by a hunger for emotions untold, They yearned for happiness, elusive and bold. But in their pursuit, they stumbled and fell, For happiness cannot be forced, as they could tell.
Through valleys of darkness, they tirelessly roamed, Chasing fleeting moments, hoping to find their own. Yet, the more they grasped, the more it slipped away, For happiness cannot be captured, it's not meant to stay.
In their quest, they missed the beauty all around, The simple joys and the laughter's gentle sound. Blinded by their longing, they failed to see, That happiness lies within, waiting to be set free.
But one day, in a moment of quiet reflection, They realized the key to their own resurrection. It wasn't in possessions or achievements to acquire, But in self-acceptance and embracing their own fire.
They learned to let go, to release the desperate chase, To find solace in stillness, in a peaceful embrace. And as they surrendered to the present's gentle sway, Happy emotions bloomed, like flowers in May.
They discovered that happiness resides, In the moments of gratitude and the love that abides. In the simple pleasures and the connections they make, In embracing life's journey, with all its give and take.
I Wrote This Poem as a Distraction
⚠️TW: explicit reference to disordered eating + reference to sh
My boxers and bra and the body I hate, In loathing, I'll wallow till I take the bait: I'll skip every meal till my stomach's on fire, Do two-hundred sit-ups and never get tired, Write poems to distract me from eating.
My ribs are all cracked and my lungs hurt to breathe, And the girl in the mirror refuses to leave. I'll smoke till I choke and forget how to eat; I will swallow my pride and collapse to my feet Till the toilet is sicker than I am.
I'll mark out the places I wish weren't the same, I'll carve up my wrists and my thighs and my brain, I'll stay up all night, 80 press-ups a day, And never once feel like it's going away 'Cause they're all so much thinner than I am.
I won't shower for weeks so I don't have to see I'm everything I never wanted to be. I'll rot in my room till they force me to go, Then I'll wander outside and I'll put on a show:
I'll pull down my sleeves and I'll grin with my teeth, I'll strangle my secrets with laurels and wreaths, I'll laugh and I'll tell them I don't feel the heat, But when they're all hungry I'll stay in my seat.
I'll chew up my words and my cheeks and my tongue, And pinch myself under the table.
They'll never suspect a thing.
I want more More of your cuddles More of your voice More of your love
Counting down the clock Waiting till you text me Upset with wasted time Stayed up late for you
I play with your hair And you smile You play with my heart And I cry
I want you more Than anything And everything in this world
But I know that I’m delusional because No matter how hard I try You’ll never love me more
feed me another scoop of that sweet taste, my mouth is full and so is myself, i do not care for another try, fill me in with all your love, until all i taste and have ever tasted, is you and you and only you, i can not escape this sweet dream, let me eat until all that escapes my mouth is your taste, just a little more love, i can not get enough, what if it is never enough?
Just a little more salt in my soup Then it will be enough
Just another page in my book Then it will be long enough
Just a few more clouds in the sky Then there will be enough
Just a few more hours in my day Then I will sleep enough
Just a little more joy in my day Then there will be enough
Just a few more words on this page When will it be enough?