Writing Prompt
Submitted by Anni D
“Falling feels like flying until the moment that you land.”
Compose a poem that uses this quote as the central theme.
For a while, Life felt like flying through a soothing breeze, Everything going well for me with ease, My flight continued for over a mile, Then something happened to it all And I suddenly Began to fall.
At first I couldn’t tell, I still thought all was well, But little did I know, My life was starting to go From flying… To falling.
At the start, Falling feels like flying, Until the moment you land. That’s when you start crying Because you’re falling apart.
No matter how high you soar, You’ll fall eventually, And you won’t know until it’s too late, Because Falling feels like flying Until the moment you land.
When I was a young lass I loved the swings Pretend I was a pirate O’er waves clear as glass
I marched into the air Riding the swells Flag pole chain in hand Swung high as I dared
Chariot came crashing Down into mist But I bounced back up As my feet had springs
In figment of my mind Wings spread open I soared ‘bove the clouds One of the divine
I’d flutter like fairies Graceful beings Close my eyes and dream Fighting adversaries
Below heaven, o’er earth A ringing bell Pendulum was I Caught in bliss of mirth
I was mid-air as planned Totally free Falling feels like flying ‘Till th’moment you land
I launched off that swing seat Traveled so far ‘Til the ground hugged me I marveled at my feat
My runway was not clear No landing gear Just me and gravity I, the bird, denied tears
Approaching an altar to lay my heart upon. Envy at all, not. For my legs will share the same blood run as the wooden alike. Sacrifice compromise, preparing for something natural cannot exist. I trust the suspended moment, my beating tissue is extended into, Murmuring I love you A label of romance can burden the obsessed critic. Communication is verbal in justification. A first kiss? Here, take my last breath. They can partner at first sight. Attraction is not the word, if I am at a loss for them. I stumble to my forever. Dripping until I drop. I won’t get back up.
I won’t give up falling.
Falling feels like flying Until the moment that you land
Electricity feels like eternity Until our love is up in flames
Water feels like a calmer ground Until the second it drags you under
Happiness feels like home Until your sadness starts to roam
Life feels like forever Until the day that your heart surrenders
Falling feels like flying until the moment that you land .
Crawling feels like walking until the moment that you stand.
Chasing dreams until the moment that you wake as reality begins to break .
Searching for a clue where truth is found , love feels like safety until the moment your heart starts to drown.
Falling feels like flying When you’ve never touched the ground. Gravity can’t hurt you When you’re skyward bound. Falling feels like flying If you face any direction but down. If you can see the end of your journey, You’ll never turn back around. Falling feels like flying Until the moment that you land. Then suddenly falling feels like dying And you’re never free again.
Ecstasy becomes ashen static
A forlorn measure of bandwidth
A reminder of your lost magic
Your magnus served
In an empty chalice
A palace made of shattered glass
A slipper that would break on glass
A fairy god mother who turns smoke to ash
And back again
And back again
How lonley it feels to feel good again
You take your potion,
Poised with noise that
Distracts you from yours
And rings your head
Tells you better things
In harder forms
So you drink once more
So you reach the floor
And you reach for more
Falling feels like flying til the moment that you land; Sinking feels like floating til you realize it's quicksand.
Poison tastes like honey til the moment that you choke; Your touch feels like caressing til your hands are 'round my throat.
(ik this is a short one; it is only semi-finished)
My breath gets Caught in my throat
And It feels as if I weigh nothing
I continue moving Throw the air
Pass the clouds And birds
The wind strongly Zips pass me
As I take in the beauty Of God’s creation, below
Adrenalin courses Through my body
While everything Flies by in record time
A couple moments later The grass seems closer
I convince myself That I’m ready for impact
Then I’ve made it to the Ground and that was it
I’m happy to have experienced what It felt like to fly, before it was too late
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