Writing Prompt
I wished I were older I got older and wish I were younger
I wished I had a boyfriend I was abused and wish I were smarter
I wished I had a cat An intact crazy male I wish I was wiser
I wished I had a horse I wish I was solvent
I wished I had a dog His name was Chaos I wish he was not
I wished I could catch a buzz I found cocaine I wish I stopped sooner
I wished I could excel at school I wish I didn’t have ADD
I wished for a solid handsome husband In 1976 I found my soul mate now I wish for nothing
Today finally everything was starting to come true everything I dream of starting to fall in line like domino’s I was super excited to start on my first day I had everything planned out in my head what to do and what to say I practice for this for a couple of months now hopefully everything goes right no casualties don't wanna hurt nobody or even put someone six feet under directly as night fell come planed to started to fall apart I started shaking bubble guts throwing up everywhere as time went by I kept second guessing myself now asking myself is this really me now the phone started to ring it was my boyz checking to see if I was still with the plan an plus they was tell their were outside waiting on me i didn't want to tell them at the last minute i wanna pussy out so I told them I will be outside in a few minutes so I rush outside hop in the car with da guys so we started driving to the destination as we got closer I got more nervous then we pulled up to the house we were scoping out for a two months then we make sure nobody was home as plan after that we put on our mask we reach the house we started to look for ways to get inside the house with making noise as we made our in the house we split up so we could find the safe an also cover more ground if any bads happens scream ice cream so I searched downstairs one of my friends went upstairs an the other went to the basement couple mins goes by I found the safe an the money in the master bedroom so I called my bros they come rushing upstairs someone grabs the money also the jewelry then my other goes after the safe trying to crack it took him approximately 6 minutes once we go the safe open everything went left my friends started to fight with each other one thing lead to another shots and fires between my two friends one was laying on the floor with a hole in his head an the other was shoving me telling me to come on before the police arrive as we run outside hop in the car not even 2 minutes the cops was already coming down the street just because these two wanna have a fight who gets the most from the cut now dam of my friends are dead an the other is trying to out run the cops speeding down the road going 120 miles one wrong turn we are going to be next ones dead high speed chase lasted for hour an half before we ended up crashing into the pool luckily for me my side of the car wasn’t that damage but my friend on the hand was fuck he was stuck in the car with no possible way he stared yelling my name saying don’t leave me we are supposed be boys as the siren got closer i run left my friend for dead or a jail cell i know i wasn’t to far from one myself but i kept running with everything the money an the jewelry praying that i get away like
Now eveyone says, “If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?” But why not kill teo birds with ine stone? The brother to the question above is the basic, “if you had one super power, what woudl it be?”
But nobody ever talks about what would happen if thise dreams ever came true. Do they?
If you woke up to find your wish came true, who would you tell? How would you practice? What woudl you use the power for? Would you be good, or bad?
The questions dont seem to come to mind while making the wish, however. Only once they come true.
I gave it thought when It was tiem to make my hopes heard. And my final answer came out to be, “I wish to give anyone whatever super power they want, if I want to. This including myself.” It seemed reasonable enough, with not many loopholes posible.
But when it was granted, I ran my mouth. My first ability, allowed me to turn people real. To change fiction to reality. But I was not satisfied there.
Four kept asking for Triss, Zade kept hunting adaline, Alex paid investigators to find Ava, Patch searching for Nora, Jacks screaming for Evangaline, And Aaron fought for Juliette.
And so on. So I asked for the ability to change people back. But I missed them, you see.
I brought them back to me, but this time, made them love me.
I win.
I talked of my gifts to those around me. And I was taken for interviews and interigation. Science labs amd schools.
But I was to hard to contain. Uncontrollable. At least thats what they called me. Numbing my ability to just a mere shell of what it used to be. Im drugged, im chained, and bow i live in this trusty place called Mind.
You see my mind is complex, it is easy to get devoured by thoughts in there. With years to listen and think very strange thinks, I found if you think hard enough, you can still grant a few wishes.
I could have wished to be free, but freedom in conditional. Do the best thibf i could think of, was to talk to you. Talk to you however you are hearing this.
Think of it as a courtesy. When you are granted the opportunity to wish for anything, wish for something meaningful.
And thise around you will turn against you in just a moment once you are doing better than them. They will chain your up and throw your away. And that is the best proof your get that you are, in fact, better.
———🤍——— Writers Notes in the comments from now on! I I I V
Emily had always been dissatisfied with her appearance, constantly yearning to be more beautiful on the outside. Regardless of her weight, size, or hair she still always had something wrong in her mind that she wanted to fix. She believed that if she could only achieve physical perfection, most of her problems would vanish, and she would finally find happiness. Little did she know that her wishes were about to come true, but the consequences would not be as she had imagined.
Late one evening,Emily had a vivid dream. In this dream, a mystical being appeared before her, offering to grant her every wish. Overwhelmed with excitement, Emily eagerly made her wishes. She wished to be the epitome of beauty, with a slender figure and long, flowing blonde hair. She also wished to be rich, to be endlessly perfect, believing that money would bring her the joy and contentment she had always longed for.
To her astonishment, Emily woke up the next morning to find herself transformed. She had become the embodiment of beauty, with a slim figure and luscious blonde locks. Additionally, her bank account was overflowing with wealth. However, as time went on, Emily realized that her wishes had not brought her the happiness she had anticipated.
Despite her newfound physical beauty, Emily still felt a deep sense of dissatisfaction within herself. She realized that her appearance had never been the true source of her unhappiness. It was her lack of self-acceptance and self-love that had plagued her all along. No matter how beautiful she appeared on the outside, her inner turmoil remained unchanged.
Furthermore, Emily discovered that money could not shield her from the pain of losing loved ones or protect her from the scars of abuse she had endured in the past. The wealth she had acquired did little to alleviate her emotional suffering. She realized that true happiness could not be bought or achieved through external means.
Confused and disheartened, Emily found herself at a crossroads. She had believed that her wishes would lead her to happiness, but instead, they had only deepened her despair. In her darkest moment, she made a final wish - to no longer be alive. She believed that her absence would make a profound statement, revealing the emptiness of her previous desires.
To her surprise, Emily's final wish was granted. She became an observer, watching from the afterlife as her loved ones were devastated by her absence. However, as time passed, she witnessed them slowly picking up the pieces and moving forward with their lives. Emily realized that her death had not brought the impact she had hoped for. She was still stuck, unable to find peace even in death.
In this moment of realization, a glimmer of hope emerged within Emily. She yearned to undo all her wishes and return to the life she had once known. She longed to find happiness within herself, regardless of her appearance or circumstances. With a newfound clarity, Emily made her final wish - to be happy with herself.
As her wish was granted, Emily found herself back in her old life, with her original appearance and circumstances. However, this time, she viewed herself and her life through a different lens. She understood that true happiness came from within, from accepting and loving oneself unconditionally.
Emily looked in the mirror and saw her reflection, no longer yearning for physical perfection. She realized that her weight struggles and shorter brown hair were insignificant in the grand scheme of things. She embraced her imperfections and found motivation in the knowledge that her worth was not defined by her appearance.
From that day forward, Emily embarked on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. She learned that happiness was not dependent on external factors such as money, popularity, or physical beauty. It resided within her all along, waiting to be acknowledged and nurtured.
In the end, Emily's story serves as a reminder to us all. It is not the fulfillment of our desires or the attainment of external goals that brings true happiness. Rather, it is the power we hold within ourselves to love and accept who we are, regardless of our circumstances. Happiness is not found in wishes granted, but in the strength to create our own happiness from within.
I was busy picking weeds in a small garden that I had begun at the start of summer. Picking tomatoes and cucumbers in the sun felt wonderful. Unfortunately I seldom get out because of having multiple sclerosis and heat intolerance but today nothing was going to keep me inside where I spend the days writing stories.
Doing something productive was not only good for me, but it also gave me a special feeling as a wife. So often I live on the edge of not feeling like I contributed like other wives. Before long my ego made me compliment who I was. I was even a temptress in my mind. Playing a seductive role felt good. I wanted to tell my husband about the part I was playing.
Ironically, my long ago groom, Romald, came home while I sat among the worms that were crawling around on me and on the ground. Imagining I was the girl he once met, I prepared my line. “ Hey,” I yelled at the man I married. “ I’m still your beautiful jewel! Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Huh,” he said as though I was nuts. This comment was followed by, “I fail to see you as a jewel. Only a fool would say that about you.”
Normally I would have tossed a snide come back. Instead, I pulled a few more weeds while he set the sprinkler and I tried to hide the pain I was feeling. I wanted to look dignified
Saying nothing, I lingered back inside. i was curled on bed thinking no one should hsve yo take this.I remembered that he was only saying this so he could feel powerful the way abusers, bullies, and n do. I I would not respond to him.
Two nights later when i was esting my evening meal wondering where Ronald was, the phone rang. It was a shaken-up Ronald He had gone to some drag races and wanted to tell me a sob story. “
I had 500vdollars in my wallet” Ron whined. When i went to the bsthroom, no one was in the stalls, so I set my wallet and program on the sink. I’d had a coupke if three beers.”
Jumping in I said, “Only a fool would do that!”
He came at me, but by the time he reached me, I was gone.
I’ve always read that true happiness comes from within. I don’t think those people have ever really lived. Positive thinking can’t overcome everything. The negative still lives, and it certainly will not let you forget it. My personal hell starts at 7:30 in the morning, 5 days a week. That’s not including overtime. My boss works me like a dog all for nothing. I’m meeting him this afternoon for a performance review. I’m supposed to set a goal at the beginning of the year for my growth at the company. Now, I must come up with some bullshit answer. How I found myself working with customers and clients. It’s a blue collar operation trying to be white collar. Ignorance may be bliss but so are deluded ideas. The afternoon comes and so with it a reminder of my 6 years working here. Bartender, liquor distributor, working with high up clients here and there. I’ve hated it all. “Ah Nick, good to see you. I haven’t had a lot of face time with the team lately. Let’s get right down to it,” I incredulously stare at him. I just don’t seem to have to light that others either seem to have, or disgustingly fake. “It’s promotion time! I putting you as the assistant manager at our a new branch. Best part, you get to work from home! It will require you to explore the bars in the area. Ya know, check out the competition. Just a little plus for you.” He winks and swiftly gets up. The reality of this big change doesn’t hit me till I get home. My already empty apartment will need to be packed up. I can finally start working on my cabin. A secluded spot in the woods just a few miles out from the city. I can get a dog now. Go on the lake. Peace and quiet is finally mine. It’s all happening fast and I love it. I’m at The Fishing Hole, a local bar. Checking out the competition equals me drinking. I walk up to the bar counter. Immediately I’m stunned to see who is working. She’s here, now, why? My coworker Sandra, the only person I actually liked at work. She has a way about her that feels real. Her enthusiasm isn’t as sickening. Just a small dose of sweet for the day. “I know what you’re going to say. Yes I took the offer, betrayal happened but I needed the money bad. Anyway you don’t want to hear all that.” I got my drink, and just as quickly as I got there, I left. Seeing Sandra reminded me of Katie, the youngest of the workers. I smiled at the thought. As time went on my cabin project got slower and slower. Half painted walls and ply wood in the back was there to stay. I slowly devolved into an even more empty state. I get to be free of human contact, I hate humans. All I need is myself. I don’t want to admit I miss Aunt Cheryl’s hugs when I go to her bakery. The small gestures of strangers opening doors. Someone who lets you in front of them in line. Even the feeling of getting to help someone else. A few seconds of connection that carries you just a bit throughout the day. A residual warmth. Sometimes you don’t even remember where that feeling came about. I certainly forgot. I digress, my views on humans, society, connection, it all reflects me. The longing I had for it when I was young. The embarrassment of never getting to really have it. I don’t know what I need to feel “right”, but I know I can’t discredit others anymore. I know I too need, and want my daily dose of happiness with others.
The pounding. The pounding. The pounding.
When will it stop?
My head is on fire, my mind grating, trying to keep focussed on… well… nothing! It’s like someone’s dragging a hacksaw across my skull, prolonging the torment, enjoying my self-inflicted implosion.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
It was supposed to be… magical. Wonderful. A boon to the world, where everything I wanted for us all was there… with but the simplest of thoughts. I was going to make miracles happen.
I never should have said it out loud—that I wanted to save the world—for, with every thought, every consideration, there comes an action; a brutal, literal result of my every whim. Whatever… whoever… enters my mind, no matter how trivial or insignificant, is now at the mercy of my unconscious.
I cannot NOT think something; as soon as it’s in my head the subject is affected. They’re here… then they’re gone… fragmenting, dust like, as I wish them away from my presence. I try to concentrate on something, anything, but not them… not my loved ones.
I crave sleep, but fear my dreams. I cannot trust myself.
I wish it would all just go awa… … … … … … …
I rubbed the bottle, as a joke of course. Misty told me that it was magic but I didn’t believe her
I rubbed it for five seconds with every second passing the bottle getting hotter and hotter. I dropped it after it got so hot. It felt like a hundred degrees, leaving my hand to blister a few days later. After I dropped it a blue and purple cloud appeared, bringing forth a floating lady.
She had on a white and black top with lovely jewelry, and a faint pink sparkly lip stick. I stared into her eyes for a few minutes, in shock as to what was happening. I rubbed my eyes a few times, ‘am I hallucinating?’ I asked myself.
It wasn’t until she spoke to me, that I realize this was reality. “Hello, I’m Bianca, I’m a genie, and can grant you three wishes.” I felt the breathe come out of my lungs when I had realized, I could wish for anything. I took a few deep breaths before making my first wish.
I had always read stories of genies, and how they had wanted to be free from the genie bottle, free to live a normal life. I didn’t have any other wishes, content with my life and had no desire for endless money. “I wish to set you free”
Her eyes sparkled, and she smiled. I was so happy she would finally get to be free, until she was free.
When she was set free, she had died. Half of her soul was in the bottle, and when she was human..she perished in front of my eyes.
I sobbed for hours, wishing I would have never said the words “I wish.” I have tried so many times to find another one, to bring her back. Without success, I live with this burden.
The stylist was Jane Garden, the plainest girl in Prairie, a small town of three thousand people. Her boss, Katz Swanson, had been Leary about hiring Jane but changed her mind. Though Jane was quiet and eccentric, the older people stood in line to have Jane cut their hair.
Until today there had been no issues, however that changed late afternoon.
At five thirty a former classmate of Plain Janes burst into the hair salon. A famous artist who was back home, he demanded to know where Katz had gone and who was cutting off his pony tail
Hearing him, timid Jane panicked; Randy had tormented her in high school. With no one else working she would have to cut his hair. What would she do? Without time to decide, Randy was glaring at her and now he was groaning, a gesture thst’s humiliated Jane, Mow Randy was asking if someone else could cut his hair.
Desperate, Jane suddenly saw her anger over the misery caused by bullies like Randy. Shocking herself, Jane balled up her trembling fingers, telling the artist he would have to find someone else. Struck with more courage Jane told Randy that he was the loser. Watching him stomp out, Jane smiled. She had met her worst fear and won.
Leaving for the day, Jane walked to her car, where she swung into the driver’s seat an empowered woman. ,
“Ma, what did you do?”
Stacks of boxes cluttered the front porch. Each box was sealing with Tiffany blue packing tape with the brand, Wish, emblazoned across it. Sabrina looked horrified. Sabrina gave a friendly job to Mrs. Ortega who was staring at her mother’s porch and watering her lantana next door. The neighbor lady shook her head sadly at her.
Climbing over packages, Sabrina fought her way around the screen door. Max was sitting in Dad’s recliner with a mug of coffee. More boxes were scattered around the living room. Sabrina shot her brother a “what the hell” look and he answered with a shrug. Ma came in the living room with a tray of sliced oranges, blueberries, an Entenman’s coffee cake and powdered donuts.
“Max, I’ve brought you out a little something. I know you’re not—Sabrina what are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too,” Sabrina said.
She weaved around the packages and gave her mother a kiss. Sabrina took the pastries from her mother. Pushing her brother’s feet off the coffee table she set down the platter.
“What’s all this?” Sabrina said.
“Put some cake in your mouth,” Max said shoving the platter in Sabrina’s direction. “We were just checking in, Ma. Seeing how you’re doing?”
“Aunt Mary said—“
“Sabrina for the love of God eat cake.”
Ma stamped her foot. “Mary is a gosh darn busybody and always has been. I’ve been managing my money since I was sixteen years—sixteen, working as a clerk—and I don’t need anybody telling what I can or cannot do. You listen here I am the parent. I’ve been taking care of myself without your father and it is not your job to tell me how to live!”
“Of course Ma,” the siblings said in unison.
Sabrina nibbled some cake. Max put an entire donut in his mouth. With hands on hips, Ma glared until her anger seeped away. The sea of cardboard boxes waited.
“My friend Linda, you know I met her on that bus ride to the wool and yarn fair that was so much fun I tell you, anyway she told me about this wonderful website that sells everything you want. You can get it on your phone, you pick out amazing stuff, then you wait and in a few weeks you don’t know what will arrive. Sometimes it’s crap but everything is so cheap, nearly free.”
Max smiled at his mother and shot Sabrina a look that said you should visit more often. She answered with a look that said we should visit more often.
“I’ve heard of that and I love a bargain,” Sabrina said.
“Show us what’cha got.”
Ma whipped a Swiss Army knife out of her frilly apron pocket. Soon they were surrounded by treasures, a ceramic cat eating a garden gnome, knitting needles, dangly earrings, 28 kitchen sponges, many rather colorful cheaply made dresses, scrapbook papers, a set of watercolors, and a massager that Ma hurriedly carried to her bedroom. Ma had also gotten Sabrina a set of silky scarves and Max a tee shirt with cowgirls. While finishing the rest of the cake, Max and Sabrina watched Ma show off her new outfits.
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